Planet Coaster – How to Make Restaurants

This is how you are going to learn how to make a restaurantin this. Kinda simple!

Restaurants Tutorial

Step 1: Make a Little Structure for Your Restraunt / Cafe

  • Make a structure for your restraunt. But make sure you leave a hole for the foyer, otherwise, things will instantly go wrong!

What will you make? You dont have to make exact as mine but make sure you have the hole!

Step 2: The Foyer!

  • Go here (in shops and facilities).
  • Edit the building and place the Restraunt Block in the hole like this (make sure you are still editing the building while you are placing it!)
  • Fix the weird seams by going back to editing the building by putting what i marked in Purple on both sides of the Foyer.

Step 3: Expansions!

  • Go back to shops and facilities > custom > spoon and fork icon and you will see something that ISNT a restaurant! That is part of the restraunt in game, but not in the real world. so back to editing the building and place a bunch of them inside your structure where its hidden. (a lot of them but again make sure you are still editing the build).

Make sure you do not place more than 10 because before i took the screenshot i forgot that it was limited to 10 of them.

Step 4: Linkity Link!

  • Sadly its limited up to 10 Expansions. in one of my images there were more than 10! If you placed more than that count some of your things (10 of them) and ones that arent counted should be deleted! (via building editor)
  • Okay! Click the Restraunt Facility itself (not the structure or expansions) and click the spoon and fork icon. You will see a button saying “Connect more restauraunt expansions”. Click that and just to make this task easier, select your entire structure! It wont select the parts, it will only select the expansions.

If you selected everything hit Confirm.

Step 5: Finishing touches

  • Decorate near the entrance to make it more appealing to guests… (also counts when you place a ufo above the entrance)
  • One last thing! Connect the entrance to a path that guests can follow to walk into your restraunt!
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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