Ready or Not – How to S Rank Valley Of The Dolls

Guide to S Rank Valley Of The Dolls

Сrеdit gоеs to Coful!

Step 1. You are going to die

You are not some superhuman, this will take multiple attempts. You will fail at the finish line. Get up and do it again. Recognize that you made progress.

Step 2. Lock n load ********

For your loadout bring bean bags, pepperballs ******** suck (unless used on ai). Light vest with ceramic plates. Gas mask. Bring a taser for situations where it is not safe to cuff 2 suspects and you need to wait for them to try their “last stand” or whatever its called. If youre unsure who to cuff, simply wait it out. Once they get up and pull a pistol, they never will again. Taser is good for this. Bring a door wedge. Theyre useful for covering your flank.

You shouldnt need more than 3 ammo units of bean bags. If you cant aim or are trigger happy bring 4. Dump everything else into CS gas, its area denial is way too good (dont blind yourself tho, the ai has wallhacks and can see through it just fine. use it to block doorways and entry points) Optional C2. Bring a mirror gun, youre not that guy.

Note: If you want ai with you equip them with heavy ceram, pepperballs with flashlights for extra vis, and alternate between full stack of cs gas and full stack of c2. Reserve one slot on each for door wedge)

Step 3. No pokin at my back door

Only start at the front door, everything else is a bad idea. There’s too much glass and weird world geometry for the ai to peak you through so work your way down.

Step 4. Unleash the horde

Make your way into the first room but do NOT use c2. The ai will be protected by the weird geometry on the right and pop you through the smoke. Take it slow, watch the doors on the hall, and check down long hallway for open doors. If you see any **** mirroring and push straight into the closest room, thats a death hall. Remember to secure the soft objectives in the bedroom and push to the staircase.

This room is kinda hellish so be slow and DO NOT walk across the staircase to arrest a surrendering guy on the other side. You will get unlucky and someone will be waiting at the bottom to light you up. Order him to come to you or smoke below and listen for coughing

Step 5. Where the **** was I shot from?!

If your ai is healthy and you opted to use them, nows the time for a little meat shielding. Leave the house and go down to the second floor, following the party sign. Tell you ai to move past the wall because theres so many weird angles those guys can peak you through. Bullets penetrate glass, bean bags seem to struggle so let your ai soak up fire and saturate the area with pepperballs. The most suspects ive seen spawn is 2 so they should be ok to handle it.

Do not enter through the air lock style door (you cant mirror the second door and its a long sightline with a basically guaranteed suspect spawn), loop around near the wall closer to the garden and enter through the door next to the staircase. If you have gas to spare gas down the staircase to cover your flank. Enter QUIETLY and once youre safe in your little corner, jam the double door. Suspects can hide in there and on occasion volls in in there.

Move up along the wall and use your mirror to peak corners. Be careful trying to bounce gas if you need to gas suspects because the windows are probably gonna be open from gunshots breaking them or because why not **** you. Once you clear the library room, the connected movie room, and the office we jammed earlier, jam the door to the outside and the door to the rest of the second floor. Its a death trap that we can deal with later.

Step 6. Kill him

If you havent found him by now, volls is close. Hes likely migrated into the house on the bottom floor because the noises youve been making. Hes also armed so watch out. He usually wont shoot on sight though, he’ll try a last stand. Bean bag him in the **** for it. Use the stair case by the entrance we gassed earlier to get to the first floor. Remember suspects can spawn in the laundry room so be careful about backshots teehee. Take this **** SLOW.

Theres plenty of weird angles to suspects will pop you through and youll definitely choke a lot here. My best advice is to hope your ai is still healthy and tell them to clear that first door. Theyll sweep the area pretty well and stay relatively together while also pepperballing the **** outta the entrances. Volls will either be in the porn room on the left or in the main open area by now. Suspects can also spawn in the porn room so make sure you wedge it if youre not ready to get shot in the ass.

Take it SLOW and watch the stairs, we didnt clear it remember? Once your surroundings are clear enough and no one is running up on you from the outside, turn your attention upwards.

Step 7. I’ll get you *****

Look up. As you may have noticed suspects arms and guns are peaking over the railing. Why is it that when you walk across on the second floor they pop you from below but they dont pop you from above on the first floor? Because the ai is ****, next question. Make your way up slowly, its not a race and your almost done. Make liberal use of gas in whats her names bedroom as suspects can spawn in there and the last thing you want is to get caught with your pants down at the finale.

Step 8. Freedom

Clear the left half of the party first, then loop around towards the garden. Sometimes a suspect can spawn back there so dont get complacent. If you still have gas left its not like youre gonna use it later (except on the basement). Once youre done with that, push the basement. Take it slow you are almost done.

Mirror everything and if you cant mirror it, c2 from a safe distance. Itll likely cause suspects to yell and give away their position. If they dont yell that doesnt mean its clear it just means theyre waiting further back to one tap you. If you cant safely see a full room because theres some wall or something, gas it. By now you should be seeing the bring order to chaos message pop.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 7607 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

1 Comment

  1. unironically load up on tasers, got it first try after someone in RoN forum told me, 2 mags of pepperball for long range, 6 tasers, 3 gas nades and a gasmask is what i found to work best. ez pz depending on RNG

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