Not too long ago Ready or Not got it’s 1.0 update, hooray! And so it brought us a huuuuge amount of new stuff, including the so called soft objectives, which are not said what need to be done but they give additional points if you want to get S rank.
Guide to New Soft Objectives
Thank You, Come Again! (Aka 4U Gas Station)
There’s only 1 secret objective (among these we can see).
Report a wounded veteran (if you enter through store side take a right door pass near storage).

As a result you will get Show it looks like when you get S rank:

23 Megabytes a Second (Aka San Uriel Condominiums)
There are 3 soft objectives
- Report a SSD in streamer’s room near keyboard

- Report some porn pictures in streamer’s room near bed

- Report an illegal cryptofarm (2 floor)

As a result once you cuff every single suspect and not let any of your teammates die you should get S:

Twisted Nerve (Aka 213 Park Homes)
There are 2 soft objectives
- Report cash on table

- Report wounded civ on bed

The Spider (Aka Brixley Talent Time)
There are no hidden objectives, good for us!
…yet still we can find a voice recorder on desk at Brixley’s office, so maybe it will be implemented later? Or perhaps it makes sense only for lore? We’ll find out.
Sullivan’s Slope (Aka A Lethal Obsession)
There is only one hidden objectives on this map.
Some files in the hallway

S rank:

Ides of March (aka Brisa Cove)
No soft objectives here, and thank god, honestly – with all these booby traps this would be a headache!

Sinuous Trail (aka Mindjot Datacenter)
This mission has no secret objectives, good for us!
Ends of the Earth (aka Kawayu Beach)
Only one secret objective here.
Report bag of cash

Greased Palms (aka Los Suenos Postal Service)
There are 2 soft objectives on this map.
- Follow the blood path and report body

- Report illegal weapon delivery (and Freeman’s crowbar)

Valley of the Dolls (aka Voll Health House)
There are 3 hidden objectives.
- Report porno photos of minors

- Report Voll’s laptop and SSD

- Report weird porn room (the one where before update was second SSD)

Elephant (aka Watt Community College)
There are no hidden objectives here.
Yet I must admit – a combination of Active Shooter and Bomb Threat is a horrible one.
Rust Belt (aka Costa Vino border reserve)
There are 2 secret objectives here
- Report confiscated Mexico passports
- Report the barge deep in the tunnels
Sins of the Father (aka Clemente Hotel)
There are no hidden objectives on this level.
Unless… we need to find and cuff Victor Zakhaev before he will shoot himself…
Neon Tomb (aka Neon Nightclub)
For whatever reason – no secret objectives here either. Which is strange, because before the update 1.0 there were a lot of civs we can report, maybe devs will return to that idea later?
Buy Cheap, Buy Twice (aka Caesar’s Car Dealership)
There are 2 hidden objectives
- Report weapons in one of the back rooms
- Report documentation in the offices
Carriers of the Vine (aka Cherryesa Farm)
There’s only one soft objective
Report some paintings and a map inside the first big house.
Relapse (aka Coastal Grove Medical Center)
There are no hidden objectives.
Which is weird again, I remember before 1.0 update there always was a deaf and silent civ, I thought we will be seeking him
Hide and Seek (aka Port Hokan)
There are 5 hidden objectives
- Report weapon storage container – there will be like few different yellow containers with some spider spray on doors, lit by some light, check every single one of them and you will find the weapons, also I found this in two variations, unknown if there more.
- Report drug storage container – find it same way as weapons.
- Report slavery auction – in the warehouse 13, deep inside, in a makeshift “living” area for the product behind the containers.
- Report container with missing persons – full of naked women, yellow container as with weapons and drugs.
- Close the container – simply close that container, no idea why, but on radio we will get a direct order from some random person, who will say us to do so… well, who we are to disobey orders on radio, right?
Just passed Barisa Cove on S rank, followed a similar strategy to Sedlynne,
1. Block all apartments and centre area and clear all other spots
2. Gas centre area to high hell then breach and secure
3. Clear 1201 to 1202 going through slowly with flashes
4. After securing everyone there clear from 1204 to 1203
4.5 be very careful on entry to 1204 as the your SWAT teammates me over enthusiastically
run forward and get shot
Brave it through officer, it’s hell but the satisfaction is worth it!!!
There’s 2 in the beach house mission. Bag of cash in the second floor bedroom with the three-monitor PC and gunsmithing equipment in the attic.
Barisa Cove is an absolute pain. In order to get past it i dropped nonlethal primaries and went scorched earth against them.
Barisa Cove on an S rating is a challenge. Here’s my strategy:
1. Block all main hallway entrances.
2. Start with the toughest area, the big room in the middle.
2.1. Position the squad at the door opposite Room 1201.
2.2. Solo open the bar-side door, throw a flashbang, and have the squad clear the area.
3. After Room 1201, tackle Room 1202. Be carefull of balcony because AI ignors walls between room and balcony.
3.1. Position one element without a shield in the connector between Rooms 1201 and 1202. The second, with a shield, on Room 1202’s entrance.
4. Clear Rooms 1203 and 1204 slowly.
Used gas and a grenade launcher, with flashbangs. only VKSs were equipped, and the shield guy without any secondary ammo.
Wishing all good luck and nerves of steel, this map is hell.