Sea of Conquest – Auto-Trade Walkthrough Guide

Nanny-Style Auto-Trade Walkthrough

By Avery.

As a swashbuckler, who could resist the allure of gold coins? In SoC, these shiny treasures are crucial for upgrading your ship. Yet, whenever it’s time to refurbish my ship, I find my pockets lamentably light. Left with no choice, I attempt to raid others for resources, only to find myself on the receiving end of a good thrashing.

But then, one fateful day, I spotted a screen of bustling trade routes sprawled across the map, and a golden opportunity dawned upon me!

To all you gold-diggers out there, come aboard and let’s sail to fortune. The following findings are the result of my personal research and do not reflect the official position. They are for reference only.

Determin Your Trading Ports

Each sea region has one lvl.3 port, four lvl.2 ports, and twenty lvl.1 ports. After progressing from the beginner’s stage, it’s best to promptly explore the highest level port in your sea region, then select a port of the next level down as your trading port, and promptly obtained all Acquaintances of them.

In order to maximize benefits, I chose to conduct trade between the lvl.3 port and the lvl.2 port.

Improve Relations with Guilds

Once you’ve determined your trading ports, the next step is to improve the relations of the guilds. You can’t start auto-trade unless you reach “friendly” with the port’s guild.

There are five levels of relations: Neutral and lower < Friendly < Respect < Reverence < Worship

(Reminder: the higher the relationship, the higher the tier of goods you can unlock, hence yielding higher trade profits)

How to improve relations with guilds?

  • Make donations in the Governor’s House.
  • Engage in buying and selling goods at the port’s marketplace.
  • Spend seals to accomplish the port’s commission tasks.

Choose the Best Route

Now we just pick the best route which offers the highest revenue at a certain time. So easy, isn’t it? Just click the “Auto-trade” button in Trading Venue and take a preview of each routine!

Useful Tips

  • Mount sail accessories on the main ship can greatly increase the speed of the entire fleet.
  • If your guild occupies the ports, auto-trade can get you an extra 20% gold income.
  • Purchasing a monthly card can increase trade up to 150 times. Compared to the regular 50 times trade, it can save you more operations and get more idle profits.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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