Age of Empires Mobile – Quick Guide to Might, Armor and Defense

In this guide we will talk about the hero’s attributes: might, armor, and defense.

Might, Armor and Defense

By Kaity

As it can be seen in the image each hero has 4 specific stats siege is a little bit special so we will leave it to another day.

These three stats have 2 effects.

Increase your troop stats:

  • Might attack
  • Might defense
  • Strategy attack
  • Strategy defense

Research, alliance strongholds, and other sources can increase troop stats.

For example, when you research a technology that increases your troop attack by 2%, this means you have got 2% might attack and 2% strategy attack, the same thing can be said about defense

Note: that damage in the game is classified into might damage and strategy damage, as you can guess the might damage increases by might attack% and is reduced by the enemy might defense%, the same thing is said for the strategy bonuses

But in this game, heroes can increase their troop stats as well, in the image: it’s stated that every point of might will increase your might attack by 0.15%, for example, if a hero has 150 might that means

  • 150 multiplied by 0.15%=22.5% might attack

The same thing is said for Armor and strategy but note that:

  • Might increases Might attack%.
  • Armor increases Might Defense.
  • Strategy increases both Strategy attack and strategy defense.

Note: When there is more than a hero in a lineup, the troop bonuses gained will be based on the sum of the hero attributes.

For example, If the armor of your heroes in a lineup is: 111.9, 130.4, 150.4 for each one of them.

Then troop bonus is:

  • 111.9+130.4+150.4=329.7, then multiplied by 0.15%

The result is 58.905 might defense shared by your army that reduces the might damage taken.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2158 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. Why other regions have pre-registration for the game but Vietnam doesn’t?
    Is it national discrimination or something else?

    • That’s a fairly high take.
      No, it’s obviously not.
      Simply put, different countries have different publishing regulations for video games, and for some, we’re not even sure if they can play the game at all.

  2. Hi. How do you relocate near your ally when it kept saying “marching route blocked”? How I can go near my allies’ location?

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