Seek Girl – How to Fix Bugged Achievement: Complete Level 5

How to Fix

There is a bug that happens to some players which blocks achievement called “Complete Level 5”. Despite you completed the level 5 (8th girl in order from left side to the right side) the achivement dosen’t pop up and your game completion stops at 159/160 achievements.

There is simple and pretty quick solution. This is what you need to do :

  1. Make sure you installed free DLC for Seek Girl which you can download from steam. It’s needed for 100% achievements. (it will add 18+ content so don’t get suprised)
  2. Log out from Steam
  3. Open My Computer folder go to System folder -> Users -> Your Profile folder -> App Data (it can be hidden so keep it in mind) -> LocalLow -> DSGame
  4. Delete whole Seek Girl folder
  5. Switch off internet connection and start up Steam in offline mode
  6. Start up Seek Girl
  7. Complete ALL levels one by one (the missing achievement will pop up when you complete level 5 wich is 8th girl)
  8. Quit the game
  9. Switch on internet connection and log in to Steam
  10. Start Seek Girl (Steam will ask you weter you want to use local files or cloud USE LOCAL FILES)
  11. Make sure you have completed ALL levels
  12. Refresh Steam

Worked for me at first attempt, after doing all steps the game achievements status changed from 159/160 to 160/160.

Hope this will work for you!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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