Some of the posters in the game provide challenges. This guide will show you where they are.
Guide to Poster Challenges
To Start Off
After finishing up my guide on the payphones my good friend Eddy, AKA TheMustacheMistro, AKA KeithChegwin, AKA SteezyPete, told me there was posters too so I went on the hunt again.
All you have to do to activate them is run up to them and hold A/X to interact with them like an NPC.
NYC/Madison Park
Spawn at NYC/Madison Park and find the Food Store/Drug Store. The poster is on the wall under the drugstore sign.

NYC/Veteran Plaza
Spawn at NYC/Veteran Plaza. The poster is at the top of the big curved ledges next to a shutter.

Creature Park
You can’t spawn in creature park. You have to actually go there and enter through the door. I know, what a chore. It’s the place where you do one of the DIY challenges with Ribs Man but if you haven’t done it yet or forgot where it is just spawn at NYC/Brooklyn Banks Station and head left to this stair set. The entrance is under the big arch opposite.

Just go up to the door and hold A/X to enter.

Once inside the poster is on the wall to your right.

Finishing Up
I searched high and low around all the maps but could only find these 3 posters.
Any tips on how you need to do the last part of the Crea-ture park session? The manual-trick-grind
i was able to do this by doing a manual on the box then ollie to a short grind on the rail
Hey, thank you! This is the only info I could find on these missions thus far. I have been trying to clean up all the missions before I start knocking out Historical Challenges, so this helps a ton!
No worries. I didn’t see any other info either. Don’t forget to do the payphone challenges too 🙂