Guide to Guild Chat Commands
The following commands can be entered in guild chat:
Command | Function |
/help | Displays a list of essential chat commands. |
/help advanced | Displays extended list of chat commands. |
@[PlayerName] | Sends a private message to member [PlayerName] (doesn’t have to be in your guild), e.g. @John01 Hi John, what’s up. |
/me | Shows what you are doing, e.g. /me is eating some cookies. |
/gold bet x | Lets you bet x gold at the gambler in the tavern, e.g. /gold bet 100000. The gambler screen must be visible when entering this command. |
/mushroom bet x | Lets you bet x mushrooms at the gambler in the tavern, e.g. /mushrooms bet 5. The gambler screen must be visible when entering this command. |
/pid | Displays your player ID. |
/gid | Displays your guild ID. |
/coa | Quick-saves your coat of arms. Copy the displayed code. |
/coa [code] | Loads your coat of arms. Replace [code] with the code. You can also create a coat of arms, copy the code and use this code on another server so you don’t have to recreate the coat of arms manually. |
/ver | Displays the current game version. |
/time | Displays server time and date. |
/redgreen 1 and /redgreen 0 | Turns colorblind mode on and off. |
/clear | Clears all chat posts. |
/mushroomspaid | Displays amount of bought mushrooms. |
/mushroomsfree | Displays amount of free mushrooms gained. |
/friend [PlayerName] | Adds player [PlayerName] to friend list. |
/unfriend [PlayerName] | Removes player [PlayerName] from friend list. |
/ignore [PlayerName] | Ignores player [PlayerName]. |
/unignore [PlayerName] | Stops ignoring player [PlayerName]. |
/sd 0 | HD graphics |
/sd 1 | SD graphics |
/hidegoldframe 0 and /hidegoldframe 1 | Hide and show golden portrait frame. |
/chatblink [0…4] | Set chat notification behaviour. |
Enter the code below to send these emojis:
Code #1 | Code #2 |
0:) | :angel: |
<3 | :hearty: |
:* | :kiss: |
:O | 😯 |
😛 | :tongue: |
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