Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2 – Monthly Gem Incoming List

Here you will find the full list of gems you receive throughout the month.

List of Monthly Gem Incoming

Daily and Monthly

  • Daily (20+10) x 30 days = 900 gems (Daily and PvP)
  • Monthly Missions = 800 gems
  • Monthly Missions Season Pass Extra = 500 gems
  • PvP training 3 x 6 times x 30 days = 540 gems
  • Monthly login total = 240 gems

Total from Month+Daily: 2480 gems (+ 500 gems from SPass)

  • Hell Park (F30) = 300 gems
  • Tokyo Abyss (F1) = 50 gems


  • Participation: 120 x2 = 240 gems
  • Top 0.1% ~ 3% + Bonus area:
  • 450 x 2 times / month = 900 gems
  • Top 3.1% ~ 40% + bonus area:
  • 375 x 2 times / month = 750 gems
  • Top 40.1% ~ 100% + bonus area:
  • 300 x 2 times / month = 600 gems

Total from Democalypse: 1,140 – 840 gems



  • Legend (4300+) 700 gems
  • Master 3 (4150) 600 gems
  • Master 2 (4000) 550 gems
  • Master 1 (3850) 500 gems
  • Diamond 3 (3700) 450 gems
  • Diamond 2 (3550) 350 gems (increase skill rarity)
  • Diamond 1 (3400) 350 gems
  • Gold 3 (3100) 300 gems
  • Gold 2 (2900) 250 gems
  • Gold 1 (2700) 200 gems
  • Silver 3 (2500) 175 gems
  • Silver 2 (2400) 150 gems
  • Silver 1 (2300) 125 gems
  • Bronze League (0~2299) 100 gems


  • Top 100 500 gems
  • Top 500 400 gems
  • Top 1000 300 gems
  • Top 2500 200 gems
  • Top 5000 150 gems
  • Top 10,000 100 gems
  • Top 20,000 75 gems
  • Below 20,000 50 gems

Total from PvP: 4,800 – 600 gems per month

Battle Tower

60 participation bonus /per week x 4 = 240 gems


  • Top 1 400 gems
  • Top 2 350 gems
  • Top 3-4 300 gems
  • Top 5-8 250 gems

Season Reward

  • Oberon 3 1,200 gems
  • Oberon 2 1,050 gems
  • Oberon 1 900 gems


  • Top 1 300 gems
  • Top 2 250 gems
  • Top 3-4 200 gems
  • Top 5-8 150 gems

Season Reward

  • Titania 3 800 gems
  • Titania 2 700 gems
  • Titania 1 600 gems

High Pixie

  • Top 1 200 gems
  • Top 2 150 gems
  • Top 3-5 100 gems
  • Top 6-8 70 gems

Season Reward

  • High Pixie 3 500 gems
  • High Pixie 2 400 gems
  • High Pixie 1 300 gems


  • Top 1 100 gems
  • Top 2 70 gems
  • Top 3-6 50 gems
  • Top 7-8 30 gems

Season Reward

  • No Gems

Total from Tower: 3,040 – 360 gems per month

  • Maximum of 11,810 gems in total per month
  • Minimum of 4870 gems in total per month
  • In case of SPass, then add 500 gems.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 7048 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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