Quick Guide to Galewind Assassin Build
- 4/3 Backlash (3/3 Backlash And Hx Backlash)
- 3/3 Blowout
- 3/3 Onslaught
- 3/3 Lions Crest
- Hx Epicenter | Hx Energy Shield | Hx Blowout
- Hx Sortie
- Hx Echocast
- 3/3 Bak ( get T5/T7 Bak Chip Asap on Weapon )
- HH Tenebro
- Field Surgeon
- Secondary Weapon (Maple SnS / Cowabunga / Dracolith)
- 3/3 Mortal Kombo(only w/ SnS)
- Hx Buff amp or 3/3 Buff amp with Chips
- Max “Gale” Flash, Whirl”Wind”, Stealth, Merciless, Killer Instinct, Grevious Wounds and the Auras (get Tactful swoop too but you don’t have to max it out).
Battle Frenzy, Bladerift, Evasive Stance, Riposte, rhythm of war and blood hunt are all preference based.
Skill Combo is: Secondary Weapon CA >> Weapon Swap >> Stealth >> Tactful Swoop >> Galeflash >> Whirlwind.
- Get Archknight To U-Tier ASAP
Otherwise for defense i use anubis and for accessories I use zulan.
Valk Boons:
- Thor’s Demesne on Gale Flash (Dmg)
- Fimbulwinter on tactful swoop (Freeze)
- Third Boon is Optional i use helheim on stealth you can also use gungnir on ww or Freya’s bulwark/ Wings of Valk
- Clear: Its not bad if you have either 3/3 blowout or 4/3 Blowout. You can either just WW and Dash Through mobs if you dont want to think too much or use your combo on everything.(Obviously only using the secondary weapon ca on bosses)
- The Mobility is actually pretty good you can have a bunch of dashes, you can get max movespeed naturally too thanks to battlefrenzy, aggresion aura and stealth
- DPS is around 500m -700m(which is good enough for all content in the game) 900m-1b is possible but a total mental illness to try and achieve.
- Squishy. You’re playing an Assassin (technically fixable with energy shield/field surgeon/lifesteal and such if need be).
- Horrible clear if you dont have blowout or use epicenter.
- You need to Hit n Run if you can’t oneshot bosses.
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Skill Combo and Avrg. Boss Kill Demonstration:
Note that I’m using Hx Epicenter here. I dont use the epicenter outside of bosses/Dps Flex. Hx blowout | Hx Energy Shield is still good enough to oneshot bosses and is what I recommend in normal play.
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