Soul Knight Prequel – Javelin Stormwarden Build (7.8B)

Javelin Stormwarden: Peak 7.8 Billion DMG

By Ionic Glace.

Currently at 7.8 Billion DMG (got higher than that but it broke the numbering and start dealing negative number, sign of crossing the integer limit).

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Stats and Fatebounds

Needed Fatebounds:

  • Multishot 3/3
  • Heavy Ordinance 3/3
  • Echo Casting (of any level)

Optional Fatebounds:

  • Hellheart: Cryo – Allow you to crit more constantly, great if you have alot of Crit DMG and minimal DEX to hit, worse if it lose some of the needed fatebounds
  • Helxar Multishot – More projectiles, but more lag, can be replace with Shortbow of the Medusa for additional projectiles
  • Helxar Heavy Ordinance – Increase projectile dmg
  • Mortal Kombo – Increase overall dmg
  • Critical Casting – Increase crit chance for Cold and Shock DMG, does not affect bludgeon (PHYS) DMG
  • Concentration – Increase Skill CD and Charge up time for faster nuking

Im still testing on new fbs and some potential fbs for this build, namingly Epicenter, Backlash and Lock-on.

Update: Lock-on work well, letting the projectiles take a u-turn and hit the boss again, but require a 3/3 to work, so it better using sth else. Epicenter isnt recommended, even Helxar. Backlash work (surprise) so you could use it, even if it 2/3 for a x1.5 dmg increase (x2 if 3/3).

About Boss Soul (fatebound): This build doesn’t rely on any particular boss gears, but it worth mentioning which boss give the needed fatebounds:

  • Medusa: Light armor set and ring for Multishot
  • Goblin: Mage vestment set and necklace for Multishot
  • Buccaneer: Light Armor set and necklace for Heavy Ordinance
  • Boar King: Mage vestment set and ring for Heavy Ordinance
  • Arch Wizard: Mage vestment and necklace for Echo Casting
  • Honorable mentions for any boss pieces that give you the optional fbs, be it soul a offensive or defensive one

How Does This Build Work?

This build take on Stormwarden’s most powerful passive skill: Endothermic Rupture – dealing substantial amount of dmg from Bludgeon DMG, adding on top with massive cascade of Cold and Shock DMG providing from Avalance Ram and Lancing Lightning.

The weapon of choice is Valadrion’s Xyston due to it uncountable waves of Bludgeon DMG after taking consideration those needed fatebounds

How Do I Kombo This?

Easy. All you need is charge up your Spear, throw it, and gain reward. If the spear connected to the target, millions of dmg would be dealt. You can use buffs to maximize that nuke, namingly Shortbow of the Medusa on top of already 3/3 Multishot fatebounds.

  • Trivia
  • Shortbow of the Medusa buff is consumable, meaning after you cast a skill/charge attack, you gain more projectile once and lose the Multishot buffs
  • However, the buff can’t not be consumed by passive projectiles, but those projectiles can still be affected by the Multishot buffs, making Shortbow of the Medusa an additional source of Multishot.

So after fully charge the bow, use Valadrion’s Xyston Charge Attack immidiately. This will consume the Multishot buff, adding another spear to be thrown. Then by switching back to Shortbow of the Medusa and do another Charge Attack, you will get the Multishot buffs on all of the projectiles released by all 3 spear (1 original, 1 echo cast and 1 multishotted).

This combo is dangerous for low-end devices, so instead of using Valadrion’s Xyston to farm, you should use Shortbow of the Medusa or any other weapon as your main weapon, and reserve the spear for the boss. You can use the spear to clear crowd in dire situations, but it will be laggy.

Valkyrie Boons

Thor’s Demesne on any Mana-locking Skill – Provide consistent Shock Resistance, because for some reason, Valadrion’s Xyston charge attack (first launch) counts as Normal attack, so before any projectiles hit, the enemies already got it Shock Resistance Shreded.

Ginungagap’s Effulgence on any Mana-locking Skill – Provide consistent blast of Cold DMG, great for mobbing, even greater if you have Blowout or Twin Novae, but you risk sacrifice other fbs (in all regard, it doesn’t matter anyway)

The third slot is flexible and it depend on with one you like/benefit you in your journey.

Pros & Cons


  • Absolute desvastating DMG, highest among the current top DPS (despite the Cons)
  • Easy to learn, easy to play and easy to master.


  • It can froze time and cook your gaming device.
  • Dmg fluctuate greatly due to systems can’t comprehend the abnormal amounts of projectiles, so expect you hit 1-2B dmg one day but 400M the next day.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3754 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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