Quick Guide to Warliege Spin to Win Build
Gears and skill tree like below:
- Weapons: Reg Dmg, Extra Physic Dmg, All Dmg, Atk Speed, Atk Power, Skill CD.
- Armors: Reg Dmg, Physic Pene, Max hp/mana Per Level, Skill +1, Immune.
- Trinkets: Reg Dmg, All Dmg, Dmg To Boss, Skill CD, Max hp/mana Per Level, Atk Speed, Atk Power.
- Hex Mods: Hex reg dmg, extra physic dmg, atk speed, all dmg.
Prep Fb:
- Weapons: Main weapon: Backlash, Onslaught. Secondary weapon any weapon BUT has ricochet.
- Armors: Aaron’s chestplate and boots, C-Crab Helm. Helm for Blowout and Sortie(Hex), chestplate and boots for str boost, Backlash(Hex), and Blowout(Hex).
- Trinket: Primo Helheart with Lifesteal, Blowout, Ring same as necklade.
Valk Boons:
- Slot 1: Gungnir: with Whirlwind Slash to dash.
- Slot 2: Thor’s Demesne: use Warcry, create AoE can deal shock damage.
- Slot 3: Harbinger: with Colossal Might, to suck life from mobs.
How Fatebounds Work:
- Backlash/Backlash(Hex): more spin.
- Onslaught: Faster spin.
- Blowout/Blowout(Hex): spin larger.
- BAK: apply bleed.
- Aaron fb: you will have this when havin Aaron’s set, always hit but no crit.
- Sortie(Hex): Gain buff when using dash skill.
- Lifesteal: Suck life from mobs.
- Ricochet:explain later.
- Weapons: Main weapon, backlash.
- Secondary Weapon: Ricochet.
- Armors: BF, ROW, WS.
- Trinket: Mimicry(red, orange).
Note: All chips must be lvl 7 or 8.
- Step 1: Enter boss room, switch to secondary weapon and use the Mirror Mimicry to clone boss, clones are weaker than the original and kill clone = boss die.
- Step 2: Use Unflinching skill to become immortal.
- Step 3: Use Colossal Might, become bigger, gain buff, then start holding Whirlwind Slash to kill boss.
- Step 4: Use Warcry, get hp/mana, use Kinetic Barrier, get shield to absorbs dmg.
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