Soul Knight Prequel – Deborah the Paragon: Serendipity Build

Serendipity Build Guide

By Hanae5542.

The Build revolves around maxing out serendipity FB to keep permanent full resolve at all times. Its also more defensive and convenient-oriented.


  • Necklace of Valor – You can’t follow this build without the necklace.
  • Prestidigitator Ring – Important to reduce cooldown of unflinching.


  • Main weapon: Zulan Sword and Shield (Buff Amplification + Epicenter).
  • Secondary Weapon: Yeti Geatsword (Blowout + Presence of Mind).
  • Arch wizard 3pc (Increases DEX for valkyrie and also helps with hybrid dmg).
  • Echocasting 3pc (Double cast hammers. Also comes with Archwiz).
  • Twin Novae 3pc (Double dmg for AOE).
  • Serendipity 3+hex (Increase chance of Empyrean Hammer steadfast to 100%).


  • Light penetration, lvl of main skill.
  • Bonus light dmg.
  • Crit dmg.
  • All dmg, extra light.
  • Cooldown.
  • Blowout area.
  • Int%

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Build FAQ

Why Serendipity?

As we all know, the blessing of might consume 1 resolve stacks per hammer (x500% dmg). When you get twin novae and echocasting, 4 hammers are unleashed, consuming 4 resolve stacks immediately. Seren at max will guarantee stacks to be regenerated so all atk will have resolve infused.

Why do we want permanent max resolve?

This build is more focusing on survivability to achieve high level of valkyrie. Having max resolve means we can utilise Aegis skill “unflinching” to get maximum of 6 sec total dmg immunity. In order to get almost full invincibility duration, we need prestidigitators ring passive to quickly refresh unflinching cooldown. Using green heal and healing circle will reduce unflinching cd to almost 1 sec (This playstyle require precise timing of skill)

Where is Backlash?

I’m sacrificing backlash and putting buff amplification on my weapon instead for convenience. An alternate setup I suggest is Triumvirate Axe (Epicenter+Backlash) with secondary buff ampli + hex buff ampli weapon. As I said, this is for convenient playstyle, we sacrifice some dmg for having convenience.

Whats the Yeti Greatsword for?

Yeti greatsword has fixed blowout since im not putting blowout on armors and accessories (Empyrean Hammer has large AOE even with 3x epicenter). Presence of mind is useful for refreshing cd of leap after killing enemy. This is also for convenience and not required. Skill Wheel and how to play. When mobbing, use the 2nd skill wheel to spam leap. Cooldown should be nonexistent as long as you are killing mob.

Bossing: Use 1st skill wheel. Spam hammer and quickly use transform and unflinching. Keep spamming hammer and be cautious of when your unflinching duration ends. If it ever ends, use green heal and circle to refresh unflinching cd to almost 1 sec (im sure you can dodge atleast 1 sec right?).

Note: In both situation, use theosis whenever needed to quickly transform.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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