Guide to 1B Life (Stream) Binder
By There’s a zombie on your lawn.
Detail of this build is shown from pic and vid below. Finished build but still have room for improvement:
- Change alien to triumvirite helmet/armor/boots (the int one): Crit cast fb help with crit rate and boss spirit give 60% crit damage.
- Change infinite center to cryo helheart guaranteed crit damage for a short time (good for burst) + 60% more crit damage.
Focus Stats: Aim for light/poison/crit stat, magic power, int%, damage to boss.
Recommend Fbs: 4/3 onslaught (must have), valiant strike (?) (I don’t know why but valiant doesn’t increase my damage at scarecrow at all), int boost, crit cast, poison core, light core.
Eidolon: Free of choice, pick what you see fit.
- Pros: Can clear any map except UE pancake, vaporize any (elite)boss except UE pancake. Better burst than DK.
- Cons: UE pancake. Bad at mobs clearing.
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Wow this class has a lot of potential… Nvm I read what you said about dk. I hope you won’t reach over 1,5 bill