Gameplay Tips on How to Defend
When starting out in the game, it’s a good idea to turn off Advanced AI starts. These can be really challenging for new players, as advanced empires can quickly become too powerful to handle.
Focus on building good relationships with your neighboring empires. Send envoys to improve relations and set up embassies when possible. Think about changing your diplomacy stance to cooperative. If an empire is close to accepting an embassy but not quite there, a small gift might push them over the edge.
Pay attention to how other empires act during first contact. If they seem hostile, start preparing for a possible war. Increase your alloy production as soon as you can. Look for ways to reduce ship building costs, like picking certain traditions or using leaders with special abilities.
Defending your empire is easier if there’s only one way in. Find the system that connects your empire to others and build a strong starbase there. Station your fleet in this system too. If you can, choose a system with a special star like a pulsar or neutron star, as these give you defensive bonuses.
If you have two entry points to defend, you might be able to fortify both. With more than two, it’s usually better to focus on building up your fleet instead of static defenses.
In the early game, if you’re not in a rush to claim new systems, consider holding off on expansion. The alloys you save can be used to build a stronger fleet, which can make a big difference in an early war.
Start building a spy network on potentially hostile empires. This can sometimes give you a heads-up if they’re planning to attack, giving you valuable time to prepare.
Remember, the key to survival is balancing expansion, diplomacy, and military preparedness. Don’t neglect any of these aspects, but be ready to shift your focus based on how the situation develops.
For Early Game War Techs:
- In engineering, I always pick missile 2 upgrade when it shows up (and swarmer missiles when they show up next) and afterburners. Armor upgrades also help.
- In physics, get combat computers.
- In society, naval capacity or fleet size can help if you know war is coming soon.
For Ships:
The default auto ship build is bad. Assuming no weapon tech, I like to do this build for my early ships. It’s worked for me in the early game.
- Corvette: 3 missile slot. 1 shield, 2 armor, afterburners for aux slot.
- Destroyer: Before swarmers, I do 1 picket and 4 small slot missiles with artillery combat computer. After swarmers, put those on instead. 1 shield/5 armor, afterburners.
- Cruisers: I like to do carriers with swarmer missiles for the other slots (carrier combat computer) or all swarmers (artillery combat computer). 1 shield/ rest armor and afterburners.
If you unlock new tech or upgrade your fleet design, you have to upgrade your already built fleets before they are equipped with the new goodies.
Before war starts, if you are pretty sure its going to start, get into belligerent or supremacy diplomacy stance before it starts (you would need to recall your improve relation envoys to not take an influence cost hit) to help with naval capacity and claim cost.
When war starts, pause the game and evaluate the situation a bit.
I like to plan when/where I want to fight. If the enemy is stronger than me and I don’t have starbase defenses, I let him advance a little bit and take non-critical systems while I continue to build-up. You don’t want to engage if you are going to lose and lose ships and get even more behind. Just stay at your capital if you need to initially and keep building up; you should hopefully have a comparable fleet power before they get to your capital.
If you can, try to intercept the enemy before armies can land to take your colonies. If he’s only a little bit stronger than you and you have some starbase defenses, get their asap with your ships. Retaking a strong starbase can be difficult early game. Otherwise, get all your ships grouped up and teach the AI a lesson. If you start getting the upper hand, claim some of his systems before the war ends.
I sincerely hope this was helpful. Good luck to you!
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