Stellaris – Synthetic Fertility Origin Build

Quick Guide to Synthetic Fertility Origin Build

By Ethan.

Well, for starters, nothing really compares with Machine Ascension (Maybe Clone Army/Necrophage/Prog Hive, but those are just sweat lord origins), so get that completely out of your mind.

Now, let us look at what Synth Fertility gives you.

  • Fast track to full Robot tech and (more importantly) the Synthetics tree. While this isn’t a machine ascension, you do get some worthwhile perks. I’ll post the actual list below, and highlight some important stuff (see first image, particularly underlined entries) that’ll let you (temporarily) excel past your Machine bretheren.

Getting flat pop output and very early assimilation lets you play pretty aggressively. If you, say, assimilate a pre-ftl, that’s a massive spike in power right there. What if you assimilate all the pops on an AIs capital?

Additionally, the Synthetic Government types are worth noting. There are some really strong ones (I’ll highlight those in red on the second image) and some really Really bad ones (I’ll cross them out, don’t pick).

The Unique Building:

(Which you should always keep, and most likely fully feed your bio pops into for maximum benefit) is Incredibly strong for your capital. Not only are the numerical bonuses enough to keep up with most empires in the early stages of the game, the flat 50% (which full) Robot Buff is amazing. Building multiple splits all numbers/bonuses between each repository, so it’s best to keep the building on one or two planets (Arcology, maybe one of the more important ring segments, etc).


While you can tech rush the robot techs, it’s usually more useful to build up alloys/unity since you actually want your population to fully enter the Identity Repository to buff your robots as much as possible. As soon as you get robot specialists, start colonizing your habitables asap and make them basic resource planets, so that you can let your bio pops continue working high value jobs (ruler job, industry jobs, research, unity).

I’d recommend either going full tech rush, with things like Meritocracy + Technocracy with Fanatic Matieralist + Egalitarian (Oligarchy or Democracy are both fine), or go for some form of alloy rush, relying on the repository to get you your robot techs (eventually). The important tech to get is the specialist robot tech and after that point you can start transitioning into more heavy duty alloy/CG production since at that point you can start colonizing worlds with your robots. If I were gonna go for alloy rush, I’d likely grab Militarist + Fanatic Matieralist, stick with democratic (you are going to want Democratic Surrogacy for great military buffs), grab Catalytic Engineering + Meritocracy, and go ham.

Species Traits:

These do actually have impact on your build despite the short life of your pops, so here’s what I’d recommend.

Intelligent + Natural Engineers is perfect for both types of Synth Fertility empires. I’d grab Conservationists + Unruly for the full Tech Rush build (since you’ll be replacing most buildings with tech labs and eventually your districts with city districts to keep up with costs).

Consequently, I’d grab Ingenious, Unruly, and Sedentary (no downside) for the alloy rush variation, since you’ll need to rely on generators for longer and aren’t as concerned for CG upkeep since you’ll be making lots of industry districts.

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Something else to note is that if you roll Hydrobays, go for it ASAP! You can completely support yourself off of them while waiting for techs and can replace agri-districts with other things (and/or replace mining districts with more industrial districts for the Catalytic build).

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3754 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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