Submachine: Legacy – Monolith and Stabilizer Locations Guide (Chapter 10)

Guide to monolith and stabilizer locations across chapter 10, spoilers ahead.

Chapter 10: Locations of Stabilizer and Monolith

Stabilizer Locations

  • In 100, go to storage 32/1. It’s on a small hole in the wall.
  • In 100, go to storage 32/3, enter the Looping traps. It’s on the broken panel.
  • Grab the magnet on a string in storage 33/3.
  • Go back to the hole in 000 and grab your 3rd secret.
  • In Sub 7 world in 011, grab the two telescope pieces and assemble it in this room. Don’t forget to give it a look.
  • In 111, go through the portal to Sub 9 world. Go to the farthest right and grab the secret on the sand.
  • In the Basement section in 000, grab two pearls and a spoon.
  • Go back to the Red Basement and put the spoon on the altar.
  • Go back to the Lighthouse section and insert the pearl in the machine on the far left.
  • Do the same on the similar machine in 110.
  • In 000, go to the farthest right and use the karma stabilizer on the floating debris.
  • Do the same with the debris at the very start.


  • Grab the battery under the stairs in 110.
  • Use it on the S-3-C slot in the ship at the start.
  • Go to 110, through the portal to Sub 6, enter the S-3-C room.
  • Go back to the basement area and grab 4 stone cubes.
  • Back track to the area right after Sub 1. Use the stabizier on this device.
  • Enter the portal and insert the 4 stone cubes in the missing spots.
  • Go through the RED WIRE portal.

The Future

  • Go to chapter 8, warp to layer 2.
  • Go back to the Future (lol), in the room next to the plush, enter the portal.

And that’s it!

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. Very nice guide! ★★★★★

    But I find some mistakes too 😀
    2nd stabilizer is in storage unit 33/2, not 32/3 and 9th stabilizer is in 110, not 000.

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