Guide to monolith and stabilizer locations across chapter 9, spoilers ahead.
Chapter 9: Locations of Stabilizer and Monolith
Important: do not use the ladder rung, you only get to use it once.
If you already finished the chapter, pick up one of the crystal in the previous layer and put it in layer 8, there should be a portal back.
Stabilizer Locations
- Ring the 2 bells and return to the gold statue up top.
- Go to this room with the missing gylph, warp to layer 4 and use the ladder rung.
- Use the ritual brass bowl in this room with a hole in the ground and use the lever.
- Go back down to the tunnel leads to Mur’s tomb (the left most tunnel covered in sand).
- In Elizabeth’s tomb, go to the right most and use the switch under the cow statue.
- Go to Mur’s tomb to the left most, under the cow statue.
- On the shaft right before you descent, go left and pick up the scale.
- Put the scale on this machine, tilt it left.
- Go to this hole with an open gate, pull the lever.
- Go back to the scale room, tilt it right.
- Go to Elizabeth’s tomb, under the open hole is the final secret.
- Warp to layer 8 and grab the key from this room.
- Back track to this room and enter.
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