SunnySide – Gameplay Tips and Tricks (Food, Resources, Items and Quests)

Watch out! This game guide contains spoilers so read the tips at your own risk.

Tips and Tricks

Food and Cooking

How to place cooking utensils

Appliances like stoves, grills and even the cutting board are placed with the drone. It will make a blueprint then you fill it in with the required materail (the box of your stove or whatever).

Then interact with an appliance/cutting board. Your phone will open. You can pull in mixing bowls, knifes, pans and such out of your inventory from that menu.

Then you can check recipes from the same phone menu. and move ingredients to the knife, bowl. whatever utensils.

How to cook grilled fish

You only need the spatula OR the skillet. One of those alone works. You will also need salt. Don’t forget to turn on the stove/appliance. In addition, the fish you catch must be edible.

Does food expire?

Nope it doesn’t expire!

Where to find mushrooms

You’ll find them on lots of tree stumps although you might have to move around a bit to get the prompt to harvest them to appear.

Note: It’s not stumps from trees you cut but from the stumps you see. There are some forests you can go to to get a bunch of stumps. There’s a path by a bridge that has berry bushes on either side of it. If you go down to the bottom of that path there is a forest with mushrooms on stumps.

Where to find berries

There is also a very good area to get berries, mushrooms and seaweed if you go by Kyle’s house and towards the tunnel.

Where to sell cooked food

Best bet may be farmers market.

Where to get Extra Firm Tofu

It’s in the grocery store across from that garden center has it but the items in the store changes ever so often.

Where to get yakisoba

Yakisoba can be bought on festival days, like the cherry blossom viewing event.

How to Make Tea

  • Step 1: Equip bucket
  • Step 2: Fill bucket from hose, press E when near host with bucket active.
  • Step 3: Add 1x tea and 1x water to kettle.
  • Step 4: Find invisible on/off switch on handle to power kettle on.
  • Step 5: Wait 15 min in game.
  • Step 6: Retrieve tea from kettle.
  • Step 7: Enjoy your tea!

How to use Rice Cooker

If you have the cookbook app, you should be able to see your recipes there. What you need, what it goes in, how much to put, and how long it takes to cook. To get water, you have to put a bucket in your tool loadout, equip it, and then use it at the hose to get ‘cups’ of water.

When you finally get the ingredients in the proper spot, the name of the dish you’re making will hover over the ingredients. For the rice cooker, you’ll hit the play button once the recipe is recognized. Then press the center button on the actual appliance, which should shut the lid and begin cooking.

Items and Resources

Purchasing songs for Koi Beats

Yes there is a store in Higashi. you take the bus to get there. Its a record shop.

Where to find sand

Use the bucket on the beach. Read the guide for details.

How to get clay tiles

Get clay from rocks near river on backside of gabe. then go to blacksmith and go to services.

How to open seed pack

Right click in your inventory menu!

Letting plants “go to seed”

  1. Some plants can go to seed, some need to be processed you will need the drying rack and to unlock more recipes on it via the skill tree, just the second level of foodcrafting. That unlocks making seeds for the plants that don’t go to seed on their own. Plants I can confirm go to seed are bunching onions and spinach.
  2. To let plants go to seed, you just don’t harvest them until they get to the next development stage – then you can harvest the seeds. This actually mimics real life gardening extremely well

How to delete cultivated plants

You can fill them in if you hold your diggin fork and move it over a plot.

Where to get fertilizer for crops

You can get some from the Garden center, there is a quest that unlocks aspects of this.

Where to buy the plushy

Shady dealer in higashi, the street next to the cinema.

You will see a man that looks like Yakuza.

He sells them. Or you can win some playing in arcade I believe but not too sure about the chances of getting a dragon one.

How to ride a bike

When you go back home you can set up a spawn point for it on a hill nearby your tent. From then on you can summon it using the app and it’ll spawn there every morning.

How to order and receive axe

Make sure you’re interacting with the shop, and then click on the “services” button in the middleish of the screen. The axe itself is towards the bottom of the list.

Would i go to the same part to collect the axe?

You’ll have to go to the blacksmith to pick it up, there’s a spot in front of the store that says “Collection point” and it will have a green beacon on it if there’s something to pick up.

Note: Make sure you’re looking in the correct inventory (regular backpack). There are multiple tabs for different types of items.

What to do with so many sticks?

You can sell them, they’re really easy to get if you need more later. they only sell for like 0.10. You can use them for Fences/Barriers/Paths and are the easiest material to get for doing so early game or yes you can sell or trash them. The food recipe also requires sticks.

Quests and Activities

Where to find the skill trees

The skill tree is unlocked through story progression after going into the caves with sparky. You will be prompted to visit the priest at the shrine and it will be available after that cutscene. List of skill tree unlocks see here.

Lab quest tips (birds and bugs crittercam)

  • Bugs are best found on Trees and Fences.
  • Birds are Power Lines and Fences.
  • The bird houses on your farm are supposed to act as attractors.
  • A good place to find both is the Fence outside Gabes shop most of the time.
  • I have seen Birds/Bugs on tree stumps quite a bit as well.

Note: Sadly the standard camera doesn’t count towards the critter collection.

First house unlocks

House Blueprints will unlock over the course of completing Homesteading. If you want to know exactly its Tea house > Chicken coop > Get an actual chicken and wait a week > Gabe will ask about larger animals and then you get Barns/Houses.

How to feed chickens?

You can buy a small animal feeder and water station from Gabe. Place them using the drone. Chickens need seed feed which you can also get from Gabe.

If you have the bucket selected then walk to the hose it will add a water to the inventory. you can then pick the water from your inventory and use that to fill the small animal water station once it’s placed.

Fishing lures tips

For the rivers you want to hover over them and read the description. There are river lures, still and salt water, then Ice fishing lures. Don’t fish off the piers, it doesn’t work right now, break down the lures into single use ones before putting them on your pole. The fly lures, jig lures are for rivers.

The meaning of the icon after drinking a coffee

Mousing over it doesnt give more info, would be a cool QOL update though!

It is a stamina boost. It makes it to where your stamina will not go down for the duration of that effect. And I think you also gain stamina quicker during that time.

How to get the ranch gate to place

It should place over an already built fence or blueprint of one.

Is there a way to move a fence after you build it?

No way to move fences, will have to destroy and rebuild.

Combat explanation

What should happen is you have a menu of options including Attack, you select that, select a card, and then select an enemy to use the card on, either by pressing E or by clicking on the enemy.

Chart placement and guesses (Romance investigations)

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2153 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

1 Comment

  1. I just hope that the dev’s fix the glitched trophies on PS5, I’ll probably end up starting a new playthrough if they fix the trophies.

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