Sweet Transit – Industries Tips and Hints




  • You need a lot of wood
  • Wood is produced at a sawmill
  • Sawmills require laborers
  • Sawmills don’t use any resources except money
  • It is used to build and maintain things
  • You need a lot of wood at the warehouse.
  • Wood may be transported directly from a sawmill to the warehouse
  • Build a lot of sawmills near the warehouse
  • Wood is also needed to make paper which is needed to make books which are needed to run schools which are needed by craftsmen.
  • It is very hard to produce enough wood to make all the paper necessary.
  • Sawmills spread a little undesirable land around them but not much. Trees between them and houses alleviate that.


  • Coal is needed at the warehouse to supply trains that stop there with fuel (Till diesel trains are in use)
  • Coal may be shipped to the warehouse directly from a mining station.
  • Warehouse coal is also used to get new trains out of the depot.
  • Coal is also stored at small stations in the coal storage bins
  • Coal seems to be also stored at passenger stations?
  • Coal is stored in storages and towns.
  • Trains are refueled anywhere they load, unload, swap, or visit.
  • Coal mines produce undesirable land around them. This is true of ALL mines. A couple of rows of trees around them fix the problem.
  • Farms around them also fix the undesirable land problem.
  • Coal is required to make bricks and steel


  • Fish are produced at docs
  • A few docs can produce a lot of fish
  • A dock requires a storage AND a market nearby
  • Fish can be shipped – no spoilage
  • Docs produce undesirable land around them


  • Potato farms produce a lot of potatoes
  • Potatoes may be shipped
  • Potato farms produce some undesirable land around them.
  • Potato farms need a nearby storage to operate


  • Cotton is used to make shirts at a clothing shop
  • Cotton farms produce some undesirable land around them
  • Cotton farms and clothing shops require a nearby storage to operate


  • Wheat is used to produce bread at a bakery
  • Wheat is also needed to make beer.
  • Wheat is also needed to make Ranches and Dairy farms work. They stop operating without wheat.
  • Wheat farms produce undesirable land around thm
  • Wheat farms and bakeries need a nearby storage to operate
  • I think a bakery may need a nearby market
  • Bakeries require nearby water to operate


  • Hops are used to make beer
  • Hops farms produce a little undesirable land around them
  • Hops farms require craftsmen to operate
  • Hops farms need a nearby storage to operate
  • Hops are used to make beer


  • Meat is produced at ranches
  • Ranches require craftsmen and laborers to operate
  • Ranches require wheat to operate
  • Ranches produce undesirable land around them
  • Ranches need a nearby storage to operate


  • Milk is produced at dairy farms
  • Milk is used to produce cheese
  • Dairy farms require craftsmen and laborers to operate
  • Dairy farms require wheat to operate
  • Dairy farms produce undesirable land around them
  • Dairy farms and cheese factories need a nearby storage to operate


  • Raw Stone is produced at stone quaries
  • Raw stone is processed at stoneworks to make cut stone
  • Cut stone is required for bridges and many buildings
  • Stone quaries need laborers to operate
  • Stone quaries and stoneworks produce undesirable land around them
  • Stoneworks require laboers to operate
  • Stone must be in the warehouse to be used in construction and maintenance.
  • When there is no cut stone in the warehouse, facilities requiring it for maintenance stop operating. (This is also true of wood, steel and bricks.)
  • Stone works may be placed near any mountain.
  • Stoneworks and quaries need a nearby storage to operate


  • Clay is produced at clay pits
  • Clay pits need a nearby storage to operate
  • Clay pits require laborers
  • Clay is used to make bricks at a brickyard
  • Clay pits and brick yards produce a large area of undesirable land around them.


  • Bricks are required to build and maintain certain facilities.
  • To be used for building or maintenance, bricks must be in the warehouse.
  • Bricks are produced from clay and coal at a brickyard.
  • Brickyards produce a large area of undesirable land around them.

Iron Ore

  • Iron ore is produces at iron mines
  • Iron is used to make steel at smelters
  • Iron and coal are required to make steel
  • Iron mines require laborers to operate
  • Smelters require laborers and craftsmen to operate
  • Iron mines and smelters require a nearby storage to operate


  • Steel is required to make good bridges
  • Steel requires iron ore and coal to make
  • Steel is made in a smelter
  • Smelters require laborers and craftsmen to operate
  • Smelters require a nearby storage to operate
  • Steel must be at the warehouse to be used for construction and maintenance
  • If maintenance steel is not available at the warehouse, facilities requiring it will stop operating.
  • Steel is used to make tools at a toolworks


  • Tools are made from steel at a toolworks
  • Tools improve productivity of some industries
  • Toolworks require craftsmen to operate
  • Toolworks require a nearby storage to operate
  • Toolworks produce a undesirable land around them


  • Paper is made from lumber at a papermill
  • Papermills require craftsmen to operate
  • Papermills produce substantial undesirable land around them
  • Papermills require a nearby storage to operate
  • Papermills require A LOT of wood and craftsmen


  • Books are made at a bookstore
  • Books are required for a school to operate
  • Bookstores require nearby storage to operate
  • Bookstores require craftsmen to operate
  • Bookstores require A LOT of paper
  • Bookstores do not produce undesirable land around them
  • Schools are required for craftsmen to be happy


  • Beer is made from Hops and Wheat at a brewery
  • Beer is required for craftsmen to be happy
  • Beer is produces at bars.
  • Breweries and bars require craftsmen and laborers to operate.
  • Breweries require a nearby storage to operate
  • Breweries produce undesirable land nearby.
  • Breweries require nearby water to operate
  • Craftsmen drink A LOT of beer
  • Some industries, employing craftsmen, require nearby bars.


  • Oil is produced by a SkipJack
  • Skipjacks require craftsmen to operate
  • Skipjacks produce undesirable land around them
  • Skipjacks may be place in any “white” space once they appear in the menu.
  • Oil is processed to Diesel to run trains at a refinery
  • Refineries require nearby storage to operate
  • SkipJacks require nearby storage to operate
  • Refineries require craftsmen to operate


  • Bread is made from wheat at a bakery
  • Bakeries require a nearby storage to operate
  • Bakeries require laborers to operate
  • Bakeries may require a nearby market to operate
  • Bakeries do not produce nearby undesirable land

Brickworks, Steel mills, Paper factories, Refineries, Cheese factories

  • These facilities require nearby storage to operate
  • Some require only laborers and some require both laborers and craftsmen to operate
  • If there is not a full complement of workers, these facilities will operate at q reduced rate
  • These have multiple associated buildings.
  • All buildings must be connected to a city or distribution center road
  • All these industries have their own roads
  • All buildings for a facility must ALSO be on a facility road as well as a city or distribution center road.
  • Associated storage need only be on the city or distribution center road.
  • All these facilities produce substantial undesirable land around them.

Farms, ranches, and dairy farms

  • These produce nearby undesirable land
  • Ranches and dairy farms require wheat to operate
  • Hops farms, and ranches and dairy farms require craftsmen to operate
  • All these require nearby storage to operate.
  • These must be on a road to operate
  • Only ONE square of the main building of these facilities need be in city limits to operate in a city or town.

Craftsmen industries

  • Craftsmen versions of bakeries, stone works, clothing stores, and markets are available when you have craftsmen.
  • Normally these have twice the range and twice the connections and twice the production of a laborer facility.
  • Passenger stations become available with craftsmen. They have twice the pickup range of small stations. They do seem to have coal storage though they do not have coal bins.
  • Medium storage becomes available with craftsmen. They have twice the range and twice the number of connections – no storage facility requires workers.


  • Laborers require fish, potatoes, and bread to eat
  • Laborers require nearby water, market and church
  • Laborers ride on any train passenger car.
  • Laborers stay in laborers residences


  • Craftsmen require fish, potatoes, bread, meat, cheese, and beer to work and be happy.
  • Craftsmen are available in a town once the town reaches 1500 people at 100% happy.
  • Craftsmen will only ride on ST30 or higher trains.
  • Craftsmen stay in craftsmen residences
  • Craftsmen require water, a market, church, bar, and school to be happy.
  • It is hard to provide enough facilities to keep craftsmen satisfied.

City boundaries

  • City boundaries move out as they increase in size and with stamps.
  • If you build towns too close together, they will soon encroach on each other.


  • Clicking on the upgrade button on the build menu will highlight all entities which can be updated. Just click on the entity to upgrade.
  • For roads etc. you can click and drag to include multiple sections to upgrade.
  • Upgrade roads as soon as you can. This improves facility operating ranges.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 4459 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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