Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga – Full Class Promotion Tree

This is a simple image that shows not only every promotion path in the game, but the tiers of units, the unique promotions, and the resource requirements to level up.

Guide to Full Class Promotion Tree

The Class Tree

Click to enlarge…

  • Red squares and arrows indicate a unique promotion path only that class can use.
  • Crossbowman and Archers uniquely promote to Warbow.
  • Apprentices promote to the three Mages only.
  • Swordfighter promotes to Valkyrie but not Paladin.

The rest should be self-explanatory. Happy gaming!

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2153 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. Purple on Mages means only Apprentices can promote to Mages.
    Blue on Archer/Crossbowman indicate they can promote to Warbow. Of the two only Archer can promote to Raider and Samurai.
    Swordfighter can promote to Valkyrie but not Paladin, hence the purple arrow.
    Finally, red boxes/arrows indicate a unique promotion path only those classes have. Other classes don’t have access.

  2. One thing I wish they had added were Hero Class Upgrades. I don’t know if you ever played Langrisser (Warsong) on sega genesis or a ROM, because this game reminds me a lot of that, except that there, instead of troop upgrades there were hero upgrades (which unlocked new troops).
    Anyway, I was hoping to upgrade the main char at some point and seeing this is slightly disappointing.

  3. Absolutely amazing, makes navigating promotion paths so much easier at a glance. I’m also just a spreadsheet/table nerd so seeing this brings me great joy.

    • the colored boxes and arrows make it clear which units _exactly_ can promote to which other units so you don’t get them confused.

      Purple on Mages means only Apprentices can promote to Mages.
      Blue on Archer/Crossbowman indicate they can promote to Warbow. Of the two only Archer can promote to Raider and Samurai.
      Swordfighter can promote to Valkyrie but not Paladin, hence the purple arrow.
      Finally, red boxes/arrows indicate a unique promotion path only those classes have. Other classes don’t have access.

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