TEKKEN 8 – How to Improve Graphics Settings

The graphics settings of the game are good enough but there are a lot of limitations like not being able to disable upscaling or disable unwanted effects like chromatic aberration. Luckily this is a UE5 game and you can edit engine.ini file to do a lot of advanced enhancements or decrease graphical values according to your preferences.

Guide to Improve Graphics Settings


The file is located in:

  • C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\TEKKEN 8 Demo\Saved\Config\Windows

Note: The path above is for demo only. I will update it for the full version.

Just add the line [SystemSettings] to the very bottom of the engine.ini file using Notepad. Below that add the graphical commands I have written below that you want to apply to the game. I have added the function of every command below them in italics so you guys can know what you are adding, and also the values that you can add to the commands.


The line above is a must have and should stay as it is. Without this, the commands below will not take effect.

Engine.ini Commands/Tweaks


Disable film grain. Value of 0 means disabling an effect.


Disable vignette


Set anisotropic filtering value of 2,4,8 and 16


Add motion blur. The value of 1 means enabling an effect


This increases the amount of motion blur. The value starts at 0.1 and goes all the way up to 1.0. Set this to your liking. 0.12 looks pretty decent for me.


Disable depth of field


Disable chromatic aberration


Disable bloom


Ambient occlusion value of 0-4


Screen space reflection value of 0-4


Above 2 lines to disable lens Flare


All these lines for better and more sharpened temporal AA


For sharpening


1= Borderless Fullscreen, 0= Exclusive fullscreen


All 5 of these above lines is to disable TAAU upscaling. Basically if you set r.ScreenPercentage=75 then TAAU will upscale the image from 75% resolution but setting this to 100 disables TAAU, giving you native result. This thing can also easily be done using in-game graphics setting by selecting TAAU in upscaling and setting render resolution to 100.


The above 5 lines are to make the shadows razor sharp and a bit dark as the shadows in this game are a bit bright and very soft. If they appear too sharp for you, then decrease the value of r.Shadow.MaxResolution to 4096.

When you are done by adding all your desired lines, save the file as it is and set the engine.ini file properties to READ ONLY.

Forcing DLAA

Apart from Engine.ini tweaks, if you have an Nvidia GPU it is recommended to force DLAA on to the game. It really helps to clean the image a lot. To do that, download DLSSTweaks from this link.

..then follow the readme file in it on how to install which is a simple copy paste process. After that open dlsstweaks.ini file with a notepad, find the line:

ForceDLAA = false

…then change its value to True, save it and you are done.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do these settings apply to every UE5 game?

Yes. These are universal settings for every UE5 game.

Is this a mod?

No. These are Unreal engine.ini tweaks. Sort of commands you give to the engine.

How much performance will it effect?

None of these line will make you lose performance. In fact disabling stuff like Depth Of Field may gain you an fps or 2, but then again adding motion blur will make you lose like 2fps. In short, no performance difference at all.

Another thing that has helped the presentation a lot for me, is razor sharp shadows

By default they are so soft and bright, that from a difference they are barely visible.

I noticed that bringing the shadows down to medium, makes them darker, so I did that first, then used .ini tweaks to bring the quality back up


I believe Shadow.MaxResolution has the most impact but I applied the other stuff anyways, if too sharp for you just lower to 4096 (but don’t go lower).

That is all. Happy gaming!

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2274 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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