Terra Invicta – Easy Cheats (Save File Editing Guide)

How to quickly make things easier for yourself, no special software/programming skill required.

Getting a Better Start

Step #1: Go to:

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Terra Invicta\TerraInvicta_Data\StreamingAssets\Templates\TIFactionTemplate.json

It can be opened with any text editor, such as Notepad.

Step #2: Find the faction you want to play next and scroll down to their “baseAnnualIncomes”. Right below that should be “startingResources”. These represent, as expected, the faction’s base resource income (before being modified by everything you do in a playthrough) and its starting resources.

Step #3: Take note of what these values are currently.

Step #4: Edit them to be higher.

Step #5: Start a new save file with the edited faction (if you edited startingResources) or just load a current one (if you edited baseAnnualIncomes).

Congratulations, you are now rich! Like Earth’s protectors/guiders/overlords/whatever should be. Enjoy a much easier game.

Make sure you edit the values back to their original before your next game! Unless you want to make things harder for yourself, which is a valid option. You could also verify the game files via Steam to reset the values.

Additionally, I’ve found that in the faction template, you can add negative monthly income to a faction. Want to be stronger without being overtly overpowering? Give everyone else some handicap, rather than your own buff.

Save File Editing

  1. Launch the game and select “uncompressed saves” from the in-game option menu. Of course, this will cause the save files to take up a lot more storage space.
  2. Make a new save on your playthrough. Note its name.
  3. Go to C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\My Games\TerraInvicta\Saves. You should see the save file as a .json and be able to edit it with a text editor as usual.

Save file changes are not reverted by verifying the integrity of the game files.

Useful Procedures:

  • Search one of your councillors’ names and you will be able to edit their stats (including loyalty) and XP. I don’t know what the stat cap is, if any. The XP soft cap is 99, beyond that the game gets weird and sometimes doesn’t recognise that a councillor can level up.
  • You can also change councillors’ traits, however some of the traits have different programming names than their in-game name. You can copy/paste a trait from another councillor to make sure the name is correct.
  • You can also edit your resources, both stockpile and income, by searching for “resources”: { in the save file. Make sure the numbers you’re looking at match up with your resource numbers in-game. Otherwise you could be editing another faction.
  • “You can search for the countries to get their country code (for easy reference), scroll up to “directInvestmentedIPsThisYear” to reset the 200 point max to zero so you can reinvest.”

Additional Notes

You don’t have to edit the faction template for resources. Edit the save file instead to change the values any time, not just at start of the game.

You can find state data for all factions in “PavonisInteractive.TerraInvicta.TIFactionState” section in the save file and go crazy.

In this section look for “displayName” with the name of a faction you want to edit. Note that this value is stored at the end of each faction sub-section so do not make a mistake to go down in the file and editing the wrong faction. Users that know the json file structure will likely notice but it’s faster if I remind you before you find out.

Probably the most interesting values I found so far you might be looking for to change:

  • “resources” – current accumulated storage of all of your resources including space resources.
  • “baseIncomes_year” – basic yearly income for all of your resources. This is added to any other income you generate in-game (with one exception I noted just below). Note that it is yearly income so if you want daily income value of X then multiply X by 365.25 (that .25 is because of leap years)

Notes to resource and base income values:

  • “Research” is calculated differently from others, should be edited in yearly income and the value represents all in-game income and not just base faction income.
  • “Projects” and “MissionControl” are constant numbers and the game seems to take that value from “baseIncomes_year” section. So just use a value you want in base income sub-section without multiplying it by 365.25

Another interesting values:

  • “ID” – the id of the faction. You might need to know the IDs for example for the next value.
  • “factionHate” – if you pissed someone too much you can lower the value (0.0 seems to be the lowest). Note that you need to change the value in section for the faction you pissed, not in section for your own faction. This is a way how to change the hate towards you even for aliens. This however likely won’t help if you already triggered them. (That doesn’t say if you edit the value in list under your faction or the list under the faction you want to change. (The file isn’t exactly clear whether those are your hate or the hate of the others) Its the value for your faction listed under the enemy faction.)
  • “assessedAlienHateOfMe” – this is the value you can see in-game as dots in “estimated alien threat level” in intel – aliens section in UI. Change it to value you adjusted in the hate level for the alien faction so the values are synchronized and you can continue to keep track in-game

I also found a way how to increase speed at which country develops and mines mine the space resources:

  1. Buy any cheap org for any of your councilors. If you want to find it fast make sure it is the only one the councilor has.
  2. Find your councilor in save file according to his/hers name.
  3. check “orgs” in the councilor data and note the id of the org.
  4. search for that “value”: XXXX in the save file. The only other occurences of this string should be for the org data section.
  5. edit the “*Bonus” for each stat you want to increase by the org. (for example “economyBonus” is to boost the economy income of all countries, “miningBonus” is for space resources mining)

Note that these values are direct multiplier, so value 0.666 accounts for 66.6% increase in-game.

So far I found only one way how to increase the control point cap. It is by adjusting the value for the repeatable research that increases the cap. So this means other factions get the bonus as well, but AI factions don’t prioritize this research much:

  • In ..\Steam\steamapps\common\Terra Invicta\TerraInvicta_Data\StreamingAssets\Templates\TIEffectTemplate.json find “dataName”: “Effect_ControlPointMaintenanceBonus3” and change the “value” in this sub-section.

This value is multiplied by the amount of time you complete the research (This value is updated in-game each time you load your saved game from the main menu after saving the change in the file. So you can adjust it to you liking any time you want and then reload the game). Note that this is negative value for some reason so for example -100 will add positive 100 points to your cap for each level in this research.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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