In this guide you will find the locations of all Chest Key Halves and Useless Keys in The Genesis Order game.
Note: To connect the two halves of a chest key, you’ll need Glue from Pubics.
All (14) Chest Key Halves Locations
Chest Key Halve #1 (v.29061)
Break the vase upstairs in Heather’s house.

Chest Key Halve #2 (v.29061)
Climb up here at the apartments with the grappling hook.

Chest Key Halve #3 (v.31062)
Use the hatchet to break the dead tree 2 screens north of Ray’s farm.

Chest Key Halve #4 (v.31062)
Use the hatchet to break the dead tree 2 screens north of the forest entrance.

Chest Key Halve #5 (v.43092)
Break into the metal box on the Ray farm.

Chest Key Halve #6 (v.43092)
Get catnip from the pantry @ the Ray farm. Give it to the cat here and it will knock down the chest key half you need.

Chest Key Halve #7 (v.69041)
Give the police uniform “disguise” to the NPC @ Channel 4 for one half.

Chest Key Halve #8 (v.69041)
Give the maid uniform/outfit to the NPC @ Channel 4 for one half.

Chest Key Halve #9 (v.71042)
Buy the fan at Jon’s warehouse and provide it to the woman with the smoking car at the apartments.

Chest Key Halve #10 (v.71042)
Once you craft the fingerprint kit, go behind the mansion and find the other key half here.

Chest Key Halve #11 (v.75052)
Enter the wall in the north western part of the police station.

Chest Key Halve #12 (v.75052)
Collect the key half from the evidence room of the police station.

Chest Key Halve #13 (v.77061)
Give the Police Officer the nuts and bolts set to ge this half.

Chest Key Halve #14 (v.77061)
Found above the pillar in the unlocked mansion area.

All (6) Useless Keys Locations
Note: Craft a chest key using 3 useless keys and a key mold.
Key Mold (v.79062)
Activate 8 gargoyles to find it in the room off the dining area.

Useless Key #1 (v.79062)
Master bedroom.

Useless Key #2 (v.79062)
Mansion bathroom.

Useless Key #3 (v.79062)
Church upper west side where Kim is standing.

Useless Key #4 (v.79062)

Useless Key #5 (v.79062)

Useless Key #6 (v.81071)
Swim out to this area at the dock to get the key.

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