The Legend of Neverland – Fairy Flower Tier List

Fairy Flower Tier List Guide

Disclaimer: The following tiering list is focused on a fairy’s utility and how useful they are towards the average player. Whales will have their own preferences, as they no longer rely on disabling an opponent to kill them.

Elemental Echos are still very important. This list should help you understand which fairies post a bigger threat in PvP and PvE based on their utility; simply putting four highly ranked elemental fairies together will not yield the proper result.

Holy Fairy Tier List

Holy Fairies are naturally more powerful and more relevant in the current meta compared to any other fairy due to Holy Echo’s extremely high damage and plethora of additional effects.

Holy Fairies also have higher stats (and CP) than elemental fairies which naturally give the player more ATK and bulk.

  • *This fairy has companionship bonuses
  • ^This fairy has a passive skill that works in Top League


  • S++

PvP fairy that grants the biggest Pierce buff (aside from Wind buffed Dandelion) of all of the fairies. Its skill also roots the target, limiting access to skills that require movement. Pierce is just too important in PvP.


  • S+

4 seconds of stun is more than enough to kill a player without (sometimes even with) virtual HP especially with Holy Echo’s damaging effect.

Lycoris is best paired with Priest in player vs bot events, such as Shrine Rivalry, as Lycoris’s long stun in addition to Priest’s shield can prevent the player from taking damage at all.

Twin Lotus

  • S+

Bread and butter PvE Holy fairy. This can be run together with either other Holy fairies or Elemental Fairies.


  • S+

Movement inhibition ability that has a lock-on effect. It enables you to chain harder-to-hit CC like Lycoris’s stun by landing this shorter CC first. At maximum stars, the DEF debuff that is applied to its targets helps against high Defense and Protection rate targets in PvP.

Milim also self-buffs ATK, and can heal its user (unlock at 7 stars).


  • S+

Mistletoe grants 10% life steal effects (equivalent to 83% HP steal rate) while its cage is active. The cage is a large zoning field that cannot be dashed out of without triggering the stun.

Mistletoe is also extremely good in Starleaf Garden as it does a lot of damage, can take a decent amount of damage, and has an ungodly wide range for its skill allowing it to damage all of the enemies at once regardless of positioning.


  • S+

Hibiscus is one of the few fairies that shine only in some modes, but suck in others. Hibiscus’s best mode is Top League with its new passive that gives quite a large damage boost (25%) at Rainbow 3. However, you still lose out on damage in Fairy PvP, as the damage is done over a long period of time, and it is centred around the player as well.

Use in TL, swap to assist fairy elsewhere.


  • S

Very fast animation and damage, while the area of effect is telegraphed, it is also very subtle, and quite hard to dodge. Pure damage fairy.


  • S

Rimuru looks underwhelming compared to Milim or even any of the more recently released Holy Flower Fairies, but it is also the most flexible. Its ability to neutralise buffs can remove crit buffs and other damage buffs to allow tanks to negate burst damage (if timed right) while giving itself a small but noticeable buff.


  • S

Scaling holy fairy that gets stronger the longer a battle lasts. This is usable in longer battle modes like PvE modes, Crystal Battlefield, Shrine Peak, where you can stack the Starlight buff.

At 18-stars, there is a cooldown reduction on its ultimate skill which may be especially useful in PvE for players that like to continuously swap fairy teams to maximise damage.

Elemental Fairies

These are tiered differently from the Holy fairies, as Holy is a tier of its own. Elemental fairies are more geared towards PvE modes, and often have more creative effects other than damage or debilitating crowd control effects.

Almond Blossom

  • S++

Almond Flower is like Holy Echo – it puts all of the most powerful traits into one fairy. Its passive basically cleanses debuffs once and gives a buff. The active skill provides healing, has controlling CC (silence) at Rainbow 3, and 6 second immunity to CC, as well as the chance to dodge up to 6 hits. This fairy might make wind comparable to Holy in PvP.

This is busted and annoying AF to play against with potentially even less counterplay than Holy.

Winter Cherry^*

  • S+

PvE Fairy. It makes elemental enemies weak to Fire for a period of time allowing the player to use Fire Echo for PvE against even bosses that are not weak to fire, while granting potentially superior damage to using the correct element. Fire Echo is arguably the strongest echo for PvE, and Winter Cherry allows players to use Fire Echo while still retaining the elemental damage bonus.


  • S+

Its active skill grants death invincibility (and full invincibility at higher star levels) while healing the player. This is a tank’s (or a DPS) best tool against burst damage, as it allows the tank to survive unconditionally, heal a little and either kill the attacker or buy enough time to heal up.

Its passive allows the user to power through any CC upon switching class, effectively making it equal to the Windchaser’s cleanse.


  • A+

Carnation is weaker than it was during release when it would aggressively pull players to the centre and essentially root the target while often cancelling skills that are channelled over a period of time (like Multi Arrows). What is left is simply an area that disables dodge, greatly slows the character, and slowly pulls them to the centre. It is possible to slowly drag your character out of the area of effect, but it would be rather pointless.

The gravity zone remains a powerful “firing zone” that limits both attacking and movement options of the affected, allowing the player and their team to focus the trapped player.


  • A

Anti-heal on a 30 second cooldown is a powerful skill that lets you kill the most chonky of tanks and prevent them from healing up.

Good effect, good damage, but Holy echo applies it on hit so Erythrina’s effect is less reliable.


  • A

Lots of DEF and a skill that silences. Great for defensive builds. Allows the player to chain CC with stuns to avoid damage for a longer period of time.

Balloon Flower

  • A

Balloon Flower creates a zone that disables normal player movement that also pulls enemies to the centre (only once) at the time of skill manifestation. At the same time, affected enemies will lose a portion of their defensive stat. This is useful in PvP against high DEF and Protection Rate opponents for players with a slightly weaker build.

One can only escape from Balloon Flower’s skill using a dash, which can help exhaust your target’s dashes before landing a more crippling Flower Fairy skill.


  • A

Rose is very annoying to play against as a player affected by the DoT is silenced once again only seconds after being originally hit by the skill. The second silence can cancel a lot of skills.


  • A

Diablo has the longest silencing effect in the game and should be respected for its disabling duration. While the AoE is small, and the location of the Barrier seems to be determined at the time of casting the ability, the cast speed is abnormally fast, equal to those of 4-star fairies (around 1 second, unlike other fairies that have a 2-3+ second buffer).


  • A

This fairy gives the player a crit buff through its passive effect as well as shields from its active skill. Shields are great for staying at full HP in modes (Shrine Rivalry) that score players based on remaining health at the end of a battle.


  • A

Stun. Primrose is impossible to dodge, aside from perfectly timed invincibility via using the dodge button at the perfect timing, or using your own fairy skills to trigger then 2 second invincibility. It also does not have any telltale animation which makes this a great tool for setting up a fight, and changing other CC.


  • A-

Lavender is a great fairy as an engage tool and as a disengage tool for a fight. The 8-second sleep that is only broken by substantial damage allows players to burst or chain CC whoever is affected, or allows weaker players to cast the skill and run away while their assailant is stuck fast asleep for 8 seconds.

Unfortunately the latest patch dropped it down a few pegs, as it’s now vastly better as a disengage tool than as an engage tool, as 50% ATK scaling to break the sleep is way too low.


  • B+

Similar to Hyacinth, but it gives variable amounts of pierce. It has a very creative method of interacting with other elements to give buffs, but is extremely ineffective when considering the loss of stats from Elemental Echos. Dandelion does not give the same CRIT that is so important in PvP

The patch made Dandelion a sure-hit type of skill. While it doesn’t deal damage at the same speed as Laurel, fairy damage is considerably bigger than player damage in most PvP scenarios, so a fairy that never misses is always appreciated.


  • B+

Ixora grants the player a decent ATK buff and some minor healing that is applied at the time of skill cast, rather than when the skill is manifested or dependent on hitting the enemy like most other Fairy Flower skills. Ixora’s skill is hard to land as it has several parts to it, some of which target an area and do delayed damage.


  • B

Its skill grants pierce rate and cooldown reduction. Pierce Rate is very useful in PvP to do damage. Also gives 600 CRIT when progressing past level 320.


  • B

Visually appealing, competitively… not as much. It’s skill has a rather undependable chance to prevent the opponent from getting buffs, but usually buffs are applied at the start of combat, often before the fairy flower. Even after upgrading the fairy, it’s unable to remove existing buffs which makes it nothing more than a skill that does damage. However, its passive is quite good as it gives crit immunity and a pretty good chance to root (and cancel out movement based skills) especially with multi-hit moves. This shines in Top League as it can potentially prevent a Lancer from diving your back line.


  • B

The queen of CRIT stat in progression! Marigold is great as it gives a lot of DEF to the player which pairs very well with Protection Rate in PvP. It also can play a role in PvE as it buffs the player with increased damage for a limited time similar to Chestnut Rose.

Blue Rose*

  • B

Water Element DPS fairy. This is more PvE oriented for Water Elemental Realm days. It’s the only Water Fairy with a non-conditional Damage Increase effect. As water is generally used for tanking purposes in PvP, a damage effect is less important than CC or survival skills that other Water fairies can provide. Good support fairy tho, as it gives lots of Crit.


  • B

Fast skill that drags players in and does damage fast. Capable of cancelling skills that are channelled.

Chestnut Rose

  • B

PvE oriented. Chestnut Rose gives damage buff against fire-weak monsters.


  • C+

Camellia brings the only knock-up to the table among all of the Flower Fairies. Unfortunately, Priest buff makes player immune to knock-ups for 6 seconds, same for Dragon Knight’s passive, during which time the most damaging skills are used, rendering Camellia’s knock up not so effective at cancelling skills that have a channelling period (Multi Arrows, Punitive Chop, etc.)


  • C+

Daisy only does damage in PvP, but it is a point-and-click skill that will lock onto your target, making it nigh impossible to dodge. Fairy skills do a lot of damage, and Daisy gains its niche through its ability to do damage no matter what.


  • C

DoT slow that a player can easily dash out of. Damage is dealt through several hits with most of the damage being placed on the final very slow hit, meaning it more often doesn’t hit.


  • F

Minor AoE heal. Great early game, and good for supporting very weak teammates in modes like Guild Boss, but the healing amount is negligible in high level gameplay.

Recommended Teams


Holy is always best in slot for whatever weapon. The additional damage, the healing reduction, the pierce, protection rate and critical rate are both essential towards PvP

Deployed fairies:

  • Sakura + Laurel > Lycoris + Twin Lotus

The first half of the fairy combo is designed to have fast animation to maximise killing speed.

Notes: The last slot (Twin Lotus) can be replaced with several other Holy fairies depending on your needs. In Top League, Milim should always be used in order to take advantage of her passive; Milim can also be used in Fairy PvP as well, but only if you plan on staying in the second class for a considerable period of time as the animation time is very long. Mistletoe can be used to prevent your target from running away. Twin Lotus and Laurel can also swap positions if you prefer to use Laurel’s tracking aim to finish off a fleeing enemy instead.

Wills: Anything works; Slaughter gets special mention, as Holy Echo’s damaging passive effect allows you to easily kill weaker players with two hits, first triggering the echo, and then triggering Slaughter. Fierce Attack is standard for offensive builds. Rigidity to survive enemy Holy burst. Break Free x4.


Fire is the best element for PvE, so this segment will be split between both PvP and PvE uses

  • [PvE] Ixora + Winter Cherry > Chestnut Rose + Erythrina

This should give the highest score within Fire Elemental Realm. It contains all of the buffing fairies that the Fire element has to offer, and Erythrina is just raw damage.

Notes: Twin Lotus can be run instead of Ixora if you are planning to fire Fire to clear bosses that are weak to elements other than Fire. Twin Lotus should always be used on fire for PvE if the player does not have Winter Cherry.

  • [PvP] Lycoris + Rose > Chestnut Rose + Erythrina

Notes: Diablo can be used over Rose as it also has a Silence. Chestnut Rose and Erythrina should be paired together as they activate at pretty much exactly the same time giving the player a massive and unexpected damage burst. Sakura can be used over Lycoris for more Pierce Rate.

Wills: Fierce Attack + Slaughter; Break Free x4


  • [PvP] Lotus + Lavender > Hydrangea + Eichornia

This team has two important components. Lotus into the massive Lavender sleep, and activating Eichornia at the right time to cheat death and make a comeback.

Notes: Lavender and Eichornia are both very important components; if they are not owned, replacing them with Candock > Viola is possible. Viola gives damage while Candock can give you some extra pinch healing. Maxing out the Water Echo is most important to be as bulky as possible.

Wills: Rigidity, God Bless; God Bless Heal x2 + Smart Shift x2


  • [PvP] Foxglove + Carnation > Primrose + Marigold
  • [PvP Fairy Bombing / PvE] Foxglove + Primrose > Daisy + Marigold

Earth Element gives you a lot of DEF which pairs well with Protection Rate, as those without enough Pierce Rate will fail to do any notable damage to your character as well. Unlike Damage Reduction, which can be partially mitigated by Fierce Attack, there is no Pierce equivalent, which makes it very powerful.

Primrose and Marigold together land their attacks at the same time which can be used to secure last hits as they do a lot of damage together.

If you use Mantra and Sprout of Flower wills (which is best in slot for Earth), the Fairy Bombing version of the team is also a valid choice.

Notes: Lycoris can be used over Foxglove for PvP to get an additional stun, and a bit more offensive power by borrowing the power of Lv1 Holy Echo.

Wills: Mantra, Nightmare, Rigidity, Slaughter, God Bless, Fierce Attack are all valid options. Run 4x Sprout of Flower if running Mantra; otherwise run either the will combination listed under Fire or Water.


  • [PvP] Balloon Flower + Lycoris > Hyacinth + Dandelion
  • [PvP] Hyacinth + Lycoris > Balloon Flower + Dandelion

This is the poor man’s alternative to Holy Echo. It should be used in scenarios where you are in very severe need of Pierce Rate. The first option should be chosen when you are looking to group and stun multiple players with the opening Balloon Flower into Lycoris.

The 2nd option should be used in 1v1 PvP where you need to increase your Pierce Rate as fast as possible while getting your damage out before your opponent kills you.

Notes: Sakura can be used over Lycoris in the second setup. Pierce is just that strong in PvP. Your enemy will be able to attack you however, as they are just rooted and not stunned. If you are using wind in Top League, Edelweiss should be used over any one of the wind fairies for the extra crit resistance from its passive, and the chance to root.

Wills: Fierce Attack, Slaughter. Wind is mainly a crutch to make up for the lack of PvP stats.

Honourable Mentions – Support

  • Balloon Flower + Lycoris > Carnation + Lavender

The order doesn’t really matter, but the main takeaway from this formation is that you capitalise on your ability to be annoying as a support formation. This can be used by both veterans and new players alike. Lavender in particular is useful for weaker players in modes that require you to “collect” such as Shrine Peak and Guild War. Lavender puts everyone to sleep letting you run in and out safely. The overall crowd control can either let a player take potshots at a helpless enemy, or allow fairy flower skills to be released as traps to prevent being chased when running away.

Options: Lotus, Hydrangea, Primrose all have some sort of effect that buys you time to run around and escape from the enemy.

Wills: Nightmare. Be everyone’s worst nightmare. Fast Speed and Vigor Wind are good sets for weaker players looking to only collect in what would otherwise be PvP modes like Crystal Battlefield, Guild War, Shrine Peak.

Assisting Fairies

  • Prioritize those with good Progression stat bonuses. Marigold gives a lot of CRIT, same for fairies like Rose and Hyacinth.
  • Prioritize those with companionship bonuses. They give 15% extra stats, and stats are always good.

Common Class Combinations

Use Holy whenever possible. It is always best in slot.

Priest + Marksman

This class is the most versatile as it is blessed with the best possible stats from Class Advancements. It also has two buffs towards Critical Rate

  • Fire: Maximize damage
  • Earth: Good balance of damage and bulk. As bow is blessed with a lot of Protection Rate from class advancements, Earth is a good Echo to use.
  • Wind: Targeted PvP vs high DEF and Protection Rate opponents (especially against bots)
  • Water: Survival. Can be switched to mid-combat in order to avoid dying.

Priest + Gladiator (rock)

  • Water: This class combination has the best healing capabilities in the entire game.

Fire can also be used, but a lot of the tank capabilities are sacrificed in exchange for damage

Priest + Lance (Knight or Warrior)

This class is not blessed with the same amazing stats from Class Advancement as Bow is. As such, Holy greatly makes up for what it lacks. Compared to the other classes, this class fares a lot worse when not using the Holy Echo.

  • Fire: You need the Critical Rate the echo provides as you do not have another CRIT buff unlike Marksman

Windchaser + Priest / Gladiator (rock)

  • “Support”: If you want to use Windchaser to disappear and Priest for maximum survivability. These are both support classes, so running the annoying support formation is an option.

Any echo is fine as this is balanced for both doing damage and tanking at the same time. Water and Fire both get special mentions here.

Other Combinations

  • Fire: Only way to do damage, especially if you do not have any critical rate buffs in your skills.

Hopefully this guide helped you!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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