The Matchless Kungfu – Learn Huanmos Skill Guide (Save File Editing)

How to Edit Save File (Cheating)

By TokiToki.

  • First: Disable Steam Cloud Save on Steam > Right click “The Matchless Kungfu” > Steam Cloud
  • Second: Go through:
    • C:\Users\YourUSERNAME\AppData\Local\HMS_00\Saved\PersistentDownloadDir
  • Important: Make a back-up of PersistentDownloadDir since it’s your save files.

Make a world on Slot 2 (Don’t Expand). Enter the world and do a Quick Save then go to the game menu click.

  • Settings > Others > Convert to clear text Save file > Click Conversion > Alt-tab and go to:
    • C:\Users\YourUSERNAME\AppData\Local\HMS_00\Saved\PersistentDownloadDir\Saves\save_1

(If the world is on slot 2) it should be .json file now. Edit world_data.json.

Next Step What you need to find! Use Notepad++ to make navigating easier.

max_zhenqi "max_zhenqi""
addon (their skillset) "addon"

Quick Instruction:

  1. Press Ctrl + F and search for the keyword “max_zhenqi” (usually found in the First Villager entry)
  2. Find Huanmos by searching for “max_zhenqi” and look for the value of 9999
  3. Search for “addon”
  4. Copy the skillset starting from “addon_props” next to “4-0-0”
  5. Return to the first villager with the low max_zhenqi
  6. Paste the skillset starting from “addon_props” next to “4-0-0”
  7. Click File > Save As (save outside of save_1)
  8. Exit Miniworld
  9. Delete world_data inside save_1
  10. Click “My Miniworld” (verify it says “Generated Upon Entry”)
  11. Paste world_data.json
  12. Recheck My Miniworld (the world should be generated from your save edit)
  13. Raise reputation and capture the villager in a cage
  14. Interrogate the villager to learn their skills
  15. Congratulations!

Finding The First Villager and Huanmos Skill Transfer

(Max Zhenqi: 0-100 for Villager, 9999 for Huanmos)

  1. Find the First Villager and Huanmos (ID)
  2. Copy the Huanmos skill set (“class_id”: 42260-42264) and paste it in the First Villager’s skillset (Using Ctrl + F to find)
  3. Save the edited file outside of save_1
  4. Exit Miniworld and delete the world_data file in save_1
  5. Copy and paste the edited world_data.json inside save_1
  6. Knock out the Villager, put them in a cage, then interrogate to get your skillset
    Tip: Make sure to have a high reputation with the Villager
  7. Profit!

(2) Huanmos Skillset

Copy the skillset by searching the Huanmos ID (max_zhenqi: 9999) > Search “addon” Copy the Highlighted in the image.

(2) Where to paste the Huanmos Skillset

Scroll up then Search (Ctrl+F) “addon” and paste the Huanmos Skillset in the White Highlight.

The red square is where you can easily distinguish the code.

Miniworld Copy and Pasting

  • Delete world_data inside save_1
  • Check My Miniworld “Slot 2, save_1” must have Generated Upon Entry
  • Copy and Paste world_data.json on where you save your Edited World inside save_1
  • Check My Miniworld Again (Cause why not?)
  • Enter world!

Making sure it’s working

Click the Villager and make sure it has [Void Move]

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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