How to Edit Save File (Cheating)
By TokiToki.
- First: Disable Steam Cloud Save on Steam > Right click “The Matchless Kungfu” > Steam Cloud
- Second: Go through:
- C:\Users\YourUSERNAME\AppData\Local\HMS_00\Saved\PersistentDownloadDir
- Important: Make a back-up of PersistentDownloadDir since it’s your save files.
Make a world on Slot 2 (Don’t Expand). Enter the world and do a Quick Save then go to the game menu click.
- Settings > Others > Convert to clear text Save file > Click Conversion > Alt-tab and go to:
- C:\Users\YourUSERNAME\AppData\Local\HMS_00\Saved\PersistentDownloadDir\Saves\save_1
(If the world is on slot 2) it should be .json file now. Edit world_data.json.
Next Step What you need to find! Use Notepad++ to make navigating easier.
max_zhenqi "max_zhenqi""
addon (their skillset) "addon"
Quick Instruction:
- Press Ctrl + F and search for the keyword “max_zhenqi” (usually found in the First Villager entry)
- Find Huanmos by searching for “max_zhenqi” and look for the value of 9999
- Search for “addon”
- Copy the skillset starting from “addon_props” next to “4-0-0”
- Return to the first villager with the low max_zhenqi
- Paste the skillset starting from “addon_props” next to “4-0-0”
- Click File > Save As (save outside of save_1)
- Exit Miniworld
- Delete world_data inside save_1
- Click “My Miniworld” (verify it says “Generated Upon Entry”)
- Paste world_data.json
- Recheck My Miniworld (the world should be generated from your save edit)
- Raise reputation and capture the villager in a cage
- Interrogate the villager to learn their skills
- Congratulations!
Finding The First Villager and Huanmos Skill Transfer
(Max Zhenqi: 0-100 for Villager, 9999 for Huanmos)
- Find the First Villager and Huanmos (ID)
- Copy the Huanmos skill set (“class_id”: 42260-42264) and paste it in the First Villager’s skillset (Using Ctrl + F to find)
- Save the edited file outside of save_1
- Exit Miniworld and delete the world_data file in save_1
- Copy and paste the edited world_data.json inside save_1
- Knock out the Villager, put them in a cage, then interrogate to get your skillset
Tip: Make sure to have a high reputation with the Villager - Profit!
(2) Huanmos Skillset
Copy the skillset by searching the Huanmos ID (max_zhenqi: 9999) > Search “addon” Copy the Highlighted in the image.

(2) Where to paste the Huanmos Skillset
Scroll up then Search (Ctrl+F) “addon” and paste the Huanmos Skillset in the White Highlight.
The red square is where you can easily distinguish the code.

Miniworld Copy and Pasting
- Delete world_data inside save_1
- Check My Miniworld “Slot 2, save_1” must have Generated Upon Entry
- Copy and Paste world_data.json on where you save your Edited World inside save_1
- Check My Miniworld Again (Cause why not?)
- Enter world!
Making sure it’s working
Click the Villager and make sure it has [Void Move]

not working anymore