The Matchless Kungfu – Newbies Tips and FAQ

Tips for Beginners

Level up your Qingong (jumping), at higher levels, you can double and triple jump. The double and triple jump skills are locked behind “Enlightenment stone” in certain land tiles. One is a desert area with tall pillers, you need to parkour to the very top.

Train “fly on water” by jumping on water and train “fly on snow” by jumping on snow. Together, those two skills half your stamina consumption on running and jumping.

Inner arts/Meridian skills are divided into four categories:

  • Sun/Fire
  • Moon/Frost
  • Gu/Venom
  • Harmony

Read the descriptions carefully, for example Art of Marrow refining, Heart burning spell and Art of Heartflame are all Fire inner spells. Stacking those three inner arts will give you 5 stacks of Sun/Fire meridian bonus for a total of 250% bonus damage to Fire related skills. Same goes for other elements and their related skills. The skill cards will tell you which elements they’re attuned to, if they are attuned to one.

  • Upon level up, pick damage boost, ignore the Chi boost as you can get items that boost your Chi relatively easily. Picking Vigor is a good second option but I’d go for damage always.
  • The Martial art moves you get in combat (Fist, Palm, Weapon, Hidden weapon, Leg etc.) are influenced by the skills you have equipped.
  • If you have skill cards with 5 fists, 3 weapons and 2 palms equipped, you will roll fists 50% of the time, weapon 30% of the time and palm, 20% of the time.
  • Therefore, the optimal combat strategy is to focus on two move types – one primary type and second one should counter the move that counter your primary move.
  • For example, if your Primary move is Sword/Weapon, Leg moves will counter you, therefore you pick Fist as your secondary. Heat/Fire Sect specializes in Weapon + Fist so it’s a good idea to learn their arts.
  • A good way to earn NPC favor is to teach them “Fly on Snow”/”Fly on water skills” or any other skills you may find harmless. So they don’t back stab you later on with powerful moves.

If you’re looking for a place to bulk sell, look for merchant ships, open up your map and look for little red boat icons in water. Not every ship has Money but when they do they’ll have upwards of 60,000 coins.

Once you reach a Guru in skill, the game will say reaching higher level is “Secret of x family”. No one knows how that works atm but you can bypass it by talking to any NPCs with a profession about your profession. Everytime you do, you get 5% xp, so you talk 20 times to get to next level.

You can learn almost all of a Sect’s skill by befriending the sect leader/elders and asking them to teach you. This is helpful if you’re short on money to buy the manuals.

Combat tutorial may be confusing with MTL translation but the basics:

  • You can only chain moves of the same type
  • Picking four moves of the same type will give you two more of that type
  • Picking three different moves will give you two more random moves
  • Omni move (green circle) will let you chain different moves
  • Defensive move let you keep up to two moves you chain into the next round

Majority of your damage will come from skills so prioritise activating those skill cards by getting the right moves than worrying about countering your opponent. Also take a note of point 3) above and get those meridian bonuses, otherwise you won’t be doing much damage.

Also find a wooden dummy ASAP and train your technique to Guru. That’s when you unlock all the extra moves to make chaining combat possible. If you choose Bodyguard profession, the tutorial NPC will give you the dummy, otherwise, join a sect.

Leveling Geomancy

  • Basic, Boring, Safest: Build Cage, place cage, lockpick cage, recycle cage, place, lockpick recycle, ad infinitum
  • Less boring: Eat the smart egg dish, and wear acquisition+% gears to increase the speed of learning.
  • Even less boring: Capture a bandit, detain them in a cage, Talk > Improve Relationship > Chatting > Talk about Geomancy for a learning buff.
  • Sage: After you get 99 Geomancy Points, Talk About Geomancy with a Bandit.

Gameplay FAQ

How to join a sect?

You can join a sect by going to their headquaters and finding the noticeboard that will give you an option to join, and you can learn their martial arts by talking to the other members and requesting to learn, your relationship should automatically be high enough to learn most things with fellow disciples.

You can also buy (or steal) books from the bookcase in the training hall that you can learn techniques from. There is some way to use the training dummies to learn once you join a sect but I’ve never tried that.

Or you can just teach other people your own moves to raise relationship or win verbal duels, the highest requirement I’ve seen for anything was 800 positive relationship, then you just ask them any time and they will teach you.

How to heal followers?

If you hover over “Assist” when you have them selected then some more options should appear and cure ailments will be there if they have anything to cure, then you just need to move chi through the meridians map to touch all of the matching injuries to cure them, it’s just like activating inner kung fu except you don’t need to connect back to the core.

So if they have burns as well as normal injuries you only need to hit all the burns to cure those seperately from any other kind of injury for example.

How to join the dynasty?

You have to find the Guard commander, if they aren’t running around the world somewhere they will be on the big central throne in the palace.

What does MSPD for Drunk and Flaw mean?

MSPD = Movement speed, you walk slower if drunk.

Flaw is a % chance that one of your moves won’t deal damage, if you get drunk and hop in combat they have a red slash through the middle of them while they’re still on the middle of your screen.

How to reattach the dong to my character again?

You need someone with a high leechcraft skill, possibly maxed out, and they can reattach it through one of the NPC interaction menus.

You might be able to force an NPC’s leechcraft to increase to the required level by getting them to heal your ailments frequently.

Is there any way to influence the RNG of what moves you get on a given combat turn?

Changing up what skills you have on deck increases or decreases how my “cards” you have.

Like kick related skills add more kicks to the deck, weapon skills add more weapon attacks to the deck etc, you want to look at what your opponent is specialised in and then rearange you skills to counter them better.

How to increase vigor?

You have to come back as a sect leader’s child. You unlock it by befriending two sect leader’s, you inherent stats, stronger parents make stronger kids.

How to sprint?

Press shift to use qingong. Qingong is the game’s version of sprinting. If you press the Y kep and look in the abilities menu it’ll tell you what to do to train your abilities.

Sect Tax Rules: What exactly is this about?

Taxes are an amount of ressources that non sect members living in the area (commoners in game) controlled by the sect gives. On the sect menu it actually shows what the commoners gives you (usually money and materials).

How do Gu work now?

Once you join five dragon cult (the gu worm sect) you can do some sort of insect fighting and create the hybrid ones, but I canno get it to work, hybrid insects can be found in chest and material chest from npc or bought from ships.

They also changed how Toxin casting spell work. It used to be a rotation from the basic worms, lampworm, bloodworm, lovewrom, deathworm. Now you have to place the worm you want to use in your shortcut bar and have the skill place at the same spot in your skill bar. So if you put worm in slot 2, you must place the skill in the second slot to use them.

The gu sect also have a worm box to breed more worm by storing one type of worm and waiting in game hours for them to breed, but its way too slow to be useful, just raiding houses or buying from ships is way faster and more prolific.

Misfortune sect’s exclusive tresure: how to use?

Go to a sensor and divine or go find the Seance sect master (alternate sect name), interact -> get divination, 1000 coins a pop. There’s general divination, wealth, felicity and combat ones, but from my testing it doesnt respect the category at all and just gives you a random one. The moon blocks have ranks, and i think white jade is the highest, which she might also need as payment.

If you dont like the result you got (the blue character – that’s Yin, red is Yang which has good effects, yellow is Holy which also has good effects, but Yin is always bad I think) you can reroll (bottom right button) with a King Wen’s Oracle Stick as the cost per reroll.

The result of the divination is a buff/debuff that appears in your character bar, mouse over to see waht you got. You can only divine once a day.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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