Thronefall Frostsee Quest D+E Guide, Showcase has 15275 Score, 12500 should be doable for most within 1 hour.
Guide to Frostsee Quest D+E
- Base Score: 6776
- Gold Bonus: 590
- Mutator Bonus: 7909
- Full Score: 15275
Tip: If I picked 3 instead of 4 Mutators, the Full Score would have been 12728.

The Setup
- Spear
- Arcane Towers (increased Tower range and attack speed)
- Castle Blueprints (increased HP for Walls and Towers)
- Power Tower (closest Tower has x4 attack speed)
- Challenge the Tiger God (Enemies deal more Damage)
- Challenge the God of Destruction (Buildings don’t heal full after each Wave)
- Challenge the Wasp God (first three Waves have double Enemies)
- Challenge the God of Death (Allied units don’t revive in nights)
Base Upgrades
- Builder’s Guild (after each night one House upgrades)
- Castle-Up (reduced cost for Walls and Towers)
Guide and Tips
Wave 1
- Build Base
- Build 2 Houses (don’t place 2 at the top)
- Tip: your Ability lasts longer the lower your HP is
Wave 2
- Build Fire Archers
- Build 1 House
- Tip: use your Character to block the enemies so they take longer to reach your Archers
Wave 3
- Build Defense Tower Above lake
- Build 2 Houses
Wave 4
- Build Harbour
- Build 2 Houses
- Tip: same as Wave 2 just harder
- Tip2: use your Ability the moment your Archers shoot. This way it will be easier to keep the Enemies in the fire longer
Wave 5
- Upgrade Base (Builder’s Guild)
- Build 1 House
Wave 6
- Build 1 Defense Tower near Enemy spawn
- Build 6 Houses
Wave 7
- Upgrade the Defense Tower next to the Harbour
- Upgrade Harbour and 6 Houses
- Tip: Let your Tower fight the Archers. You and your Archers only fight the Siege machine
Wave 8
- Upgrade Base (else this wave becomes impossible)
- Build Wall
- Build 2 Tower & upgrade one
- Tip: ensure your Archers stay inside. It is possible to not lose a part of the Wall
(I advice you to watch the Youtube Video for Wave 9-13)
Wave 9
- Build all Defense Tower (except one) near your Base. Build the second Wall. Upgrade Houses
- Tip: you have to stay next to the right-most Defense Tower. Else you will lose Houses
- Tip2: building the Blacksmith with Melee resistance for 4 Gold is recommended. This should reduce the Melee damage taken by 1.3, meaning 23% less Melee damage. This will make the Boss fight a lot easier!
Wave 10
- Upgrade the Defense Towers left from the lake. The two upper Defense Tower will be Oil Towers. Upgrade the left one to oil. The bottom one will be a Balistae. I advice you to upgrade that one as well.
- Tip: you can group your Archers left next to your Defense Tower. They will be able to hit the enemies without the Archers being able to hit back
- Tip 2: if you build a House, enemy Archers will destroy it over the wall unless you body block their shots.
Wave 11
- Build Archers (else you will lose Houses to this waves Flyers)
- Upgrade 2 Defense Towers to Oil Tower
- Upgrade Wall
- Tip: watch the Youtube Video. Your 2 goals are protecting Houses from Flyers and protecting the Tower outside the wall by staying next to it
Wave 12
- Upgrade most Defense Towers
- Build Tank Units
- Tip: again place your Archers in the same spot as Wave 10
- Tip2: use the Tank units to delay the bottom-left wave for a few seconds
- Tip3: start the Wave by standing with your Archers. Move to the right side after they are sure to stand still. After protecting your right Tower for two waves, move back to the left side.
Wave 13
- Build bottom-most Defense Tower in the map and make it a Ballistae.
- Build Spearman
- Build left Wall
- Upgrade Units for 8 Gold each (32 in total)
- Tip: Troops should be gathered behind your Base so they don’t suicide. You need them for the last 3 Boss phases.
- Tip 2: your job is to afk next to Ballistae Defense Towers and the correct Oil Defense Towers. Maybe want to watch the Video
Boss Phases:
- 1st: Bottom right of lake
- 2nd: Bottom left of lake
- 3rd: Bottom right of lake
- 4th: Bottom left of lake
- 5th: Top right of lake
- 6th: Top left of lake
- 7th: Top of the lake (enemies will enter your base)
- 8th: Top right of lake
- 9th: Top left of lake
- 10th: Top of the lake (enemies will enter your base)
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