A 100% guide to get all of the achievements with some tips/tricks.
How to Obtain All Achievements
Welcome to my 100% guide for Bloodborne 2 ! Wait nvm this is Thymesia…
I haven’t seen a good 100% guide yet so I decided to make one, hope it helps!
First are the easy achievements:
Test Ride
- Reave a plague weapon for the first time. Basically just use your fully charged claw on an enemy.
Take a break
- Use the bonfire I mean beacon.
Memory Interrupted
- Let your health reach 0.
- Finish the tutorial.
Start Recalling
- Enter a mission (Sea of Trees would be the only one).
It’s mine now!
- Unlock a plague weapon by getting shards from enemies, just keep playing the game and you’ll unlock it easily.
- Fully upgrade a potion. I fully upgraded the basic potion. The cost gets higher so save up your upgrade materials.
Weapon Master
- Fully upgrade a plague weapon. Should be easy, I fully upgraded the spear/halberd and the greatsword, but the shards drop frequently enough that you shouldn’t have any issues.
Boss/Level Achievements
These achievements are also pretty straightforward. Just kill the bosses and complete the levels.
- Odur – Sea of Trees
- The Hanged Queen – Royal Garden
- God of the Fools – Sea of Trees Sub mission 3
- Mutated Odur – Sea of Trees Sub mission 4
- Varg – Hermes Fortress
- Urd – Hermes Fortress Sub mission 1
- Corvus – Sea of memories
- Sea of Trees (5 missions)
- Royal Garden (4 missions)
- Hermes Fortress (3 missions)
- Sea of Memories (1 mission)
Completed Memory
- Complete all the missions and sub missions.
There’s a total of 5 different endings, which all require combining different cores.
Power of Vile Blood
- Fool’s God core and Sound of the Abyss core.
Blessing of Pure Blood
- Urd core and Varg core.
Harmonized Force
- Mutated Odur core and Hanged Queen core.
Power of Cleansing
- Mutated Odur core and Hanged Queen core. Keep holding the button/joystick to move up during the cutscene.
Chaotic Power
- Combine any two cores that don’t make an ending.
Memory Seeker
- Get all the endings.
Piece of Cake
- Kill a boss without using potions. Easiest boss for me was Varg, also good practice for:
You shall not pass!
- “Kill” Varg in the tutorial. Just parry his combo attacks and hit him with your claw once. Rinse and repeat. (you can also make a backup of your save right before fighting him in case you die so you don’t have to re-do the entire tutorial)
Lord of Plague
- Unlock all plague weapons. Should be easy if you do every sub mission. Some of the weapons are dropped by bosses but I didn’t need to farm any (unless you want to fully upgrade them).
Herb Gatherer
- Get all the potion ingredients. You should get most of them by playing the game. Oregano was the only one I had left, which was easy to farm by going into the first Sea of Trees mission and farming the shield + axe guys. Video demonstrating the farm:
Is this Alchemy?
- Craft a potion recipe. Use the guide below.
Plague Doctor
- Craft all the potion recipes.
Rolling Required Ahead
- Break 1000 barrels. Easiest way I found was going to the second bonfire I mean beacon in Sub Mission 1 of Sea of Trees and farming the barrels there.
Peak Performance
- Reach max level. I just farmed the final boss.
Good Listener
- Collect all lore.
Memory Weaver
- Collect all story bits. This one might be bugged since you can get it without getting all of the story bits? Just keep re-fighting the final boss and getting the endings (that’s how i did it anyway) If not here’s a video guide:
It is out of order but
This screenshot has all of the story bits unlocked, so you can just swap between this and the video.
I hope you got all the story bits in the tutorial.
The Great Collector
- Collect all entries in the collection. You should get this buy doing the Plague Doctor, Good Listener, and Memory Weaver achievements.
- Get every other achievement.
There’s a better spot for farming barrels in the first mission of hermes fortress, right next to the second or third beacon. Awesome guide by the way ^^