Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 + 2 – How to Fix Bugged Achievements

This is a quick step by step guide I used to reset my play progress which allowed for the steam achievements to be obtained while playing through THPS 1+2.

Step by Step

So I am seeing a lot of people have trouble with achievements popping on this game. I had same experience but fixed the problem. I thought I would create a guide to fix the issue.


Exit out of game. Open steam. Turn off the enabled steam cloud setting by going to Steam, settings, disable steam cloud.

Step 2:

Create a random new folder on your desktop and name this “STEAM ACTUAL SAVE DATA THPS”.

You will only use this folder to store your actual save data and game progress while you start a new save to pop the achievements.

Step 3:

Go into:

  • Windows+R / write “%localappdata%” VicariousVisions\THPS\

In this folder there is a folder called “SavedGames”

Open this folder… highlight and drag all of these files in this folder to the new folder created in step 2 that is on your desktop. Do not delete these files. You will want to drag these back to this folder once you are done with achievements you were having issue with. Once the “SavedGames” folder is now empty and the files moved to new folder “STEAM ACTUAL SAVE DATA THPS“ proceed to next step.

Step 4:

Open game and complete the achievement you have been trying to unlock: example: complete high as a kite (1,000,000) combo in single session on crew tour. You should be able to pop achievements on this new save created.

Once you have obtained achievements you are seeking proceed to next step.

Step 5:

Exit out of game. Go back to “SavedGames” by doing Windows+R / write “%localappdata%” VicariousVisions\THPS\

Now in this folder highlight and delete all of the files in it. Open up previous save files in the folder we created named “STEAM ACTUAL SAVE DATA THPS”. Once you see those files highlight them all again and drag them back into the original “SavedGames” file. Once this is completed exit out of folder and steam. Proceed.

Step 6:

Turn steam cloud back on and if asked about which save file to use choose the previous save (that we added back to “SavedGames” folder. Restart the game. This should load your previous progress save file and you should be able to resume gameplay as you were before seeking the glitched achievements.


Be careful to not lose prior save data. This is the process that I used that worked. I did sometimes have to repeat the process two times to get certain achievements to recognize my progress I made in new save file.

Additionally, be sure to not delete prior save file and if you do restore it from recycle bin. Hope this helps people that were having the unlocking achievement issue. Good luck!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7932 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


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