This guide should help you to get a bird and how you train it.
Training Bird Guide (Eggs-plosion & Early Bird Achievements)
Step 1: Get the Egg
On Wednesday and Thursday after 8pm (20:00) go south of your Tavern into the next Zone. Keep going south till you reach the Pond/Lake than go east to the next Zone.
Now you see a strange Man next to the campfire.
Talk with him and you can buy the Egg from him. Also buy a Perch and at least 20 Crackers.
Step 2: Hatch the Egg
Just walk around and do Stuff (dont skip by sleeping) with the egg inside your inventory and/or hotbar. The Egg start to crack till its hatch.
Step 3: Train the Parrot
Put the Bird on the Perch.
Now the Parrot says good and bad stuff.
Reward it with a cracker after it said something good (2x per day).
Check the Pet info to see the progress (should take around 10Days/20Crackers to max).
Don’t forget: Polly wants a cracker!
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