Undecember – Items Guide: Transferring

Transferring Guide

Transfers can be used to move the grade and enchant options of Gear, Skill Runes and Link Runes that were being used to a different item.

Rune Transfers

Rune Transfers use Rune Birth/Color/Link Essences as additional materials.

  • The currency cost is based on the Rune’s slot count and grade.
  • Runes with the same name cannot transfer to each other. Transfer is also unavailable to Runes with higher grade than the material Skill Rune.
  • For Skill Runes, the material and the target skill must have the same number of maximum slots.
  • The Rune registered into the left slot is the material Rune which will be destroyed during transfers.
  • The Rune registered into the right slot is the target Rune that will receive all of the detailed info (Level, Link Slots etc.) from the material Rune. – Runes that are registered as the material are consumed and destroyed during transfers.

Gear Option Transfers

Guaranteed/Partial Gear Option Transfers allows moving the grade, prefix/suffix options from the gear that were being used to a different gear.

  • The Trade and Bind Status of the material item is also transferred.
  • Gear that has received a transfer can no longer receive any more transfers.
  • The target Gear’s level must be equal or higher than the material Gear.
  • Enchanted Authority Prefix, Suffix options are transferred together.
    (Transfers can be done with Gear without Authority, but the existing Unique Authority Option will disappear.)
  • Enchanted Authority Prefix, Suffix options are transferred together
  • For armors, only the ‘Same Option Type’can transfer to each other even if the armor is for the same gear slot. (E.g.: Shoes(Strength/Dexterity) Gear Options can be transferred to another Shoes(Strength/Dexterity), but cannot be transferred to Shoes(Intelligence/Dexterity).
  • Only ‘Rare’ or higher grade Gear can be registered as the ‘Target Item’ for Guaranteed Transfers. The transferred stats are as follows
    • Grade
    • Prefix/Suffix Options
    • Legendary Prefix/Suffix Options
    • Quality/Quality Modification Info
    • Unique Authority Option
    • Trading Key Usage Count
  • For Partial Transfers, a ‘Rare’ grade gear with 6 or more options can transfer its grade and 4-6 Prefix/Suffix options by chance.

Gear Reversion Transfer is a feature that deletes the Legendary exclusive enchant option from a Legendary item to revert it back to Rare grade.

  • Gear Reversion Transfer is also divided into ‘Guaranteed’ and ‘Partial’ transfers.
    • ‘Guaranteed Transfer’ fully transfers the ‘Legendary’ gear’s info
    • ‘Partial Transfer’ transfers 4-6 Prefix/Suffix options by chance.
  • Transfer Stones are used as material by default. ‘Star of Regression’ is required for Guaranteed Transfers along with ‘Reversion Essences’ as additional material.
  • All other rules are identical to the normal gear transfers.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3754 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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