Undecember – The Ultimate Alchemy Guide

Alchemy Guide

  • Alchemy is a system that allows players to create Potions, Orbs, Runes, and Charms using materials. It can be accessed using the Alchemy Desk in town.
  • The Alchemy Desk has 5 crafting slots and the, 1st slot is available by default. Starting from the 2nd slot, the paid currency [Diamond] must be used to unlock them. The unlocked slots have the ‘Brewing Acceleration’ effect.


  • Consumablescan be brewed. Low quality potions can be used as materials to brew higher quality potions. Brewing can create special potions that are not sold in Shops as well.
    • HP Potion: Continuously recovers HP. (Has the same effect as potions sold from the General Shop.)
    • Healing Potion: Immediately recovers HP. Requires a HP Potion of the same grade, ‘Drug Mixture,’ and ‘Life Powder’ as materials.
    • Mana Potion: Continuously recovers Mana. (Has the same effect as potions sold from the General Shop.)
    • Concentration Potion: Immediately recovers Mana. Requires a Mana Potion of the same grade, ‘Drug Mixture,’ and ‘Mana Powder’ as materials.
    • Enhance Potion: Temporarily increases the stat of a character. Required materials differ for each potion.

Synthesis and Mileage

Items can be synthesized to be changed into different items.

  • Skill and Link Rune Synthesis requires 3 of the same grade Runes as materials to randomly obtain 1 synthesized Rune of the same grade.
    • Results in 1 random Rune that can be obtained from shops, monster drops or exclusively through synthesis .
    • A Rune of the same grade as the materials will be created.
    • When synthesizing Skill Runes, the resulting Rune will have random Link Slots (color and slots).
  • Synthesizing Runes of Magic grade or higher will accumulate Mileage.
  • Synthesis Mileage are accumulated based on the type of synthesis and is shared across all characters in the account.
    • (E.g.: Synthesizing 15 Magic Grade Skill Runes does not increase the Mileage for Magic Grade Link Runes/Rare Grade Skill Runes)
  • Upon fully filling up the Mileage, a [Synthesis Rune Selection Chest] is rewarded, and based on the Mileage type, [Synthesis Link Rune Selection Chest] or [Synthesis Skill Rune Selection Chest] can be obtained.
  • Runes that can only be obtained from Synthesis can be obtained from opening [Synthesis Rune Selection Chests].
  • Runestone Synthesis requires 3 of the same grade Runestones to randomly obtain 1 Runestone.
    • Runestones that can only be obtained from Synthesis can be obtained.
    • A Runestone of the same grade as the materials will be created. The Runestone’s level is randomly determined.
  • Charm Synthesis requires 3 of the same grade Runestones to randomly obtain 1 Runestone.
    • A Charm of the same grade as the materials will be created. The Charm’s Tier and God’s Blessing are randomly determined.
    • Charms obtained from Synthesis are created in unidentified state.
    • Unidentified Charms can still be used as materials.
  • Charm Synthesis can result in creating Charms of higher grade than the ones used as materials.

Chaos Card Synthesis will create 1 random card with the same grade or tier.

  • Chaos Cards of certain grades can be synthesized by using 3 cards.
    • The resulting card’s tier is determined based on the tier of the cards used as materials.
    • Synthesizing with the same grades has a chance of creating a higher grade Chaos Card.
    • Synthesizing with Rare grades has a chance of creating a Unique or Legendary Grade Chaos Card.
    • Chaos Cards of certain tiers can be synthesized by using 4 cards.
    • Guaranteed to create a Chaos Card of a higher tier.
    • Grade is randomly determined based on the grade of the cards used as materials.
  • All of the synthesized cards are created in unidentified state except for Normal grades, and the area is randomly determined regardless of the materials.
  • Unidentified Cards can still be used as materials.


  • Various material items can be combined to create specific items.
  • Certain items can only be combined by unlocking the recipe with Formula Books.
  • Certain combined items can be registered into the Auction House to be traded with other players.
    • Orb: Create a special item that permanently increases a stat upon use (Maximum usage limited)
    • Essence: Use low quality essences to change , into high quality essence, or switch essence types
    • Element: Use low quality elements to change into high quality elements
    • Chaos Key: Combine 4 keys to create a Greater Chaos Card
    • Ore: Create Pile of Gold Bars and Crafted Statue that can be sold for large sums of Gold
    • Essence Bundle: Change into a tradable Essence Bundle which contains multiple gear essences
    • Unique Gear: Craft ‘Unique Chests’ with ‘Holy Parts’ collected from disassembling Unique gear (1 level appropriate Unique Gear can be obtained from using a Unique Chest.)
    • Avatar: Craft ‘Hyper Regeneration Energy’ required for charging up Avatar Energy


  • Various material items can be used to craft consumables.
  • Elixirs can only be created after unlocking the recipe with Formula Pages.
    • Formula Pages can be used at the Alchemy Desk if you possess them in your Bag.
    • Each Formula Page has a set amount of crafting limits. Upon reaching the crafting limit, it must be registered again.
  • There are Formula Slots which are separate from Alchemy Slots. The unlocking rule is identical to Alchemy Slots. (1st slot available by default. Up to 5 slots can be unlocked by using the paid currency [Diamond])

Elixir List

Normal Elixir (Cooldown 120 seconds, Duration 120 seconds) / Brew

Max HP ElixirIncreases Max HP for the durationMax HP +10%
Armor ElixirIncreases Armor for the durationArmor +40%
Dodge Rate ElixirIncreases Dodge Rate for the durationDodge Rate +48%
Barrier ElixirIncreases Max Barrier for the durationMax Barrier +28%
Element Resist ElixirSlightly increases Element Resist for the durationElement Resist +10
Damage ElixirIncreases DMG for the durationDMG +40%
Attack Speed and Cast Speed ElixirIncreases Attack Speed and Cast Speed for the durationAttack Speed and Cast Speed +8%
Movement Speed Increase ElixirIncreases Movement Speed for the durationMovement Speed +20%
Chaos Resist ElixirSlightly increases Chaos Resist for the durationChaos Resist +20
Beast’s BreathIncreases Movement Speed and becomes immune to harmful Movement Speed effects for the durationMovement Speed +20%, Immune to Movement Speed decrease
Excavator’s SoulIncreases Charm Drop Chance and all Item Drop Rarity for the durationItem Drop Rarity +25%, Charm Drop Chance +10%

High Elixir (Cooldown 120 seconds, Duration 120 seconds) / Brew (Requires Formula)

High Max HP ElixirAmplifies Max HP for the durationHP 12% Amplification
High Armor ElixirAmplifies Armor for the durationArmor 25% Amplification
High Dodge Rate ElixirAmplifies Dodge Rate for the durationDodge Rate 25% Amplification
High Barrier ElixirAmplifies Max Barrier for the durationBarrier 12% Amplification
High Element Resist ElixirIncreases Element Resist for the durationElement Resist +28
High Damage ElixirAmplifies DMG for the durationAmplify DMG by 15%
High Attack Speed and Cast Speed ElixirAmplifies Attack Speed and Cast Speed for the durationAttack Speed and Cast Speed +14%
High Chaos Resist ElixirIncreases Chaos Resist for the durationChaos Resist +50

Status Effect Immunity Elixir (Cooldown 80 seconds, Duration 80 seconds) / Brew (Requires Formula)

Physical Status Effect Immunity ElixirInstantly removes Bleed and Stun and becomes immune for the duration When ‘Use upon Status Effect’ option is selected in Potion Settings, it will only be used during Stun.Instantly removes Bleed and Stun, Immune to Bleed, Immune to Stun
Fire Status Effect Immunity ElixirInstantly removes Burn and Wound and becomes immune for the durationInstantly removes Burn and Wound, Immune to Burn, Immune to Wound
Cold Status Effect Immunity ElixirInstantly removes Chill and Freeze and becomes immune for the duration When ‘Use upon Status Effect’ option is selected in Potion Settings, it will only be used during Freeze.Instantly removes Chill and Freeze, Immune to Chill, Immune to Freeze
Lightning Status Effect Immunity ElixirInstantly removes Shock and Bind and becomes immune for the duration When ‘Use upon Status Effect’ option is selected in Potion Settings, it will only be used during Bind.Instantly removes Shock and Bind, Immune to Shock, Immune to Bind
Poison Status Effect Immunity ElixirInstantly removes Poison and Blind and becomes immune for the durationInstantly removes Poison and Blind, Immune to Poison, Immune to Blind

Increase Chance Elixir (Cooldown 300 seconds, Duration 300 seconds) / Brew (Requires Formula)

Increase Item Drop Rarity ElixirIncreases Item Drop Rarity for the durationItem Drop Rarity +25%
Increase Element Drop Chance ElixirIncreases Element Drop Chance for the durationRune Growth Material Drop Chance +10%
Increase Essence Drop Chance ElixirIncreases Essence Drop Chance for the durationEssence Drop Chance +10%
Increase Gold Gain Chance ElixirIncreases Gold Gain Chance for the durationGold Gain Chance +10%
Increase Charm Drop Chance ElixirIncreases Charm Drop Chance for the durationCharm Drop Chance +10%
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3757 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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