Pets are companions that follow the character around when summoned.
- Use Hotkey ‘P’ can be pushed to open up its menu.
- ‘Toduba’ is available from the start and Paid Currency [Diamond] can be used to purchase other pets with different appearances.
- All purchase pets are Shared by all characters in your account.
- Paid Currency (Ruby OR [Diamond]) can be used to activate Pet Abilities for a limited period of time.
- Automatically collects Drop Items from the ground.
- All pets have identical abilities and only differ in appearances.
- The ‘Pet Ability’ can be used by opening you Bag out in the fields. Their ability allows you to sell and disassemble items without having to visit the Blacksmith.
- Pet Ability has a cooldown(10 minutes) and cannot be used repeatedly.
- Pet abilities cannot be used in town.
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