Scenario Compendium
- The Compendium is divided into Main Quest/Sub Quest/Journal.
- For Main Quest and Sub Quest, a summarized narration of the journey becomes available after clearing.
- A Reward can be claimed upon the 1st clear. You must register all relevant plots in order to receive rewards for certain Sub Quests and Journal entries.
- Specific objects that were used and investigated during a stage can be registered into the Journal. Although it is not required to progress through the main story, the Journal contains stories that may reveal interesting stories about the residents of UNDECEMBER.
- Additional rewards can be claimed upon completing a Main Quest ACT.

Item Compendium
- The Item Compendium becomes available after clearing the Act 2 Quest, ‘Knight Captain’s Logic’.
- View and register various information of Unique Gear and Runes found in UNDECEMBER to earn Collection Effects.
- If you possess an item that can be registered into the compendium, it will be marked with a Blue Dot.
- Registered gear and runes can always be retrieved back into your Bag.

Unique Gear Compendium
- Collect Unique Gear from variety of contents.
- The Unique Gear’s options and its values are available for viewing.

Rune Compendium
- Collect Skill Runes, Link Runes and Runestones from variety of contents.
- All of the options its values based on the Skill/Link Rune grades are available for viewing.
- The [Source Filter] feature can be used to organize the list of Runes by where to find them.

Collection Effect
- Points are accumulated whenever a Unique Gear or Rune is registered into the Compendium. You gain Drop Chance Increase for each Item Type upon reaching certain point thresholds.
- The effects gained from Unique Gear and Rune Compendiums can be viewed from ‘Total Collection Effects’.

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