Victoria 3 – Where to Find Out of Sync (OOS) Logs, Crash to Desktop (CTD) Folders and Cloud Saves

Guide to Find OOS Logs, CTD Folders and Cloud Saves

What is a CTD?

A CTD stands for Crash to Desktop. It is when your game suddenly crashes.

What is an OOS?

During multiplayer the game detects that the gamestate is different between players

How to find your CTD and OOS log files

For Windows 10 and 11

Assuming you have installed the game under your own Windows account, you should be able to find both your OOS logs and your CTD folders here:

  • C:\Users\\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Victoria 3

For OOS Logs

  • Go here: C:\Users\YOUR USER CREDENTIALS\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Victoria 3\OOS

For CTD Logs

  • Go here: C:\Users\YOUR USER CREDENTIALS\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Victoria 3\crashes

For Mac

Make sure that “hard discs” is selected Finder > Preferences > General and

For OOS Logs

  • Go here: DRIVE NAME/Users/YOUR USERNAME/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Victoria 3/oos

For CTD Logs

  • Go here: DRIVE NAME/Users/YOUR USERNAME/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Victoria 3/crash

For Linux

For OOS Logs

  • Go here: $HOME/.local/share/Paradox Interactive/Victoria 3/oos

For CTD Logs

  • Go here: $HOME/.local/share/Paradox Interactive/Victoria 3/crashes

Note: If you have a CTD, you will get a window asking you if you want to send this report. If you press ‘Yes’, a record of your crash will be sent to our developers. So please press yes, as it will be very helpful for us developers!

What to do with your OOS files after you have located them, regardless of your Operating System?

After you have accessed your correct path, you should:

  • Locate the OOS you want to upload. You can sort by “Date Modified” to arrange from most recent to oldest. The name of the folder will contain a series of random letters and numbers.
  • Zip the folder before uploading it to the Forum, specifying as per our bug reporting practices, your Operating System, whether you had any Mods/DLCs installed etc. as well whether you were the host or a client in the MP campaign.
  • To guarantee the speediest fix to your encountered OOS, please also upload the zipped OOS log files of both the Host and the Client/Clients who went OOS.
  • Remember to tell us what happened prior to your OOS in as much detail as possible!

What to do with your CTD folder after you have located it, regardless of your Operating System?

After you have accessed your correct path, you should:

  • Locate the CTD folder you want to upload.
  • Zip it before adding it to the Forum.
  • Remember to tell us what happened prior to your CTD.

How to find your Cloud save game

For Windows 10 and 11

Assuming you have installed Steam in the default directory (replace path as appropriate) – you can access a local copy of your cloud save games in the following location:

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\\1647590\remote\save games\

For Mac

Make sure the hidden folder “Library” is visible by pressing “shift”, “⌘” (command) and “.” (dot) together.

  • DRIVE NAME/Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Steam/userdata//529340/remote/save games/

For Linux (Ubuntu)

Need to enable hidden folders as “.steam” is hidden by default

  • $HOME/.steam/steam/userdata//529340/remote/save games/
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2153 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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