Warcraft Rumble – Molten Core Guide

Strategy Guide for Molten Core

All minis are lvl 24 (in average).


  • Leader: Grommash
  • Team: Shaman, Execute, Witch Doctor, Quilboar, Gargoyle, Banshee
  • Shaman, Execute, Stonehoof Tauren, Witch Doctor, Quilboar, Banshee
  • Opponent: Firehammer, Fire Elemental, Molten Giant
  • Counters: Banshee, Quilboar

How did I clear it?

  • Leader: Sylvanas
  • Team: Ghoul, Plague Farmer, Execute, Whelp Eggs, Quilboar, Harpies


Coordinate with your partner. Both of you Execute the same tower + the same miniboss on either left or right side. When you kill it, you can start sending troops this way and cycle to your next Execute. Otherwise, don’t send troops on that side, just use them in case you need to defend. Kill the tower + the miniboss on the other side. Send more troops.

When the boss is close to getting to P2, don’t send any troops. The boss destroys your towers and the minibosses will respawn. Make sure you don’t distract them with your incoming troops, let them come close to the towers. Coordinate once again. Execute the same tower + the same miniboss on either left or right side, then do the same on the other side later on. Start sending troops on the boss, don’t send more when he’s close to getting to P3.

When you transition to the P3, he destroys your towers once again. Repeat what you did in P2, let the minibosses come close to the towers and you both Execute them. Sometimes, you can send Quilboar close to the 2nd miniboss who’s still alive. Destroy his tower, send the Quil further away, but still make sure he does get mind controlled and you don’t kill him immediately. When you destroy the tower, kill the miniboss with your army if you don’t want to wait for your Execute.


  • Leader: Jaina (or Maiev)
  • Team: Huntress, Pilot, Execute, Bandits (or Whelp Eggs), Quilboar, Stonehoof Tauren
  • Opponent: Drake, Firehammer, Pyromancer, Skeleton Party, Fire Elemental, Earth Elemental
  • Counters: Huntress, Pilot, Stonehoof Tauren (charges ranged units)

How did I clear it?

  • Leader: Cairne
  • Team: Execute, Stonehoof Tauren, Darkspear Troll, Pyromancer, Quilboar, Whelp Eggs


Whenever you have Quilboar + Execute ready, coordinate with your partner, place your Quilboar in front of Magmadar, he taunts all the other hounds, Execute them all. Repeat when needed.

4 hounds respawn in P2, try to save Quilboar + Execute and use it immediately when they respawn together with your partner’s Execute, otherwise the hounds will start roaming around.

5 hounds respawn in P3, repeat the same as in P2.

Gehennas & Shazzrah

  • Leader: Emperor
  • Team: Drake, Fire Elemental, Stonehoof Tauren, Quilboar, Whelp Eggs, Gargoyle
  • Opponent: DI Miner, Grunts, Flamewalker, Warsong Raider, Pyromancer 
  • Counters: Whelp Eggs (everything except Pyromancer), Pilot


Gehennas (red boss) always walks to one side. When he reaches the end, he spawns a mini that starts casting a fire circle. Use Pilot to kill this mini. Then the boss walks on the other side and does exactly the same. Always save your Pilot to kill the circle casting mini.

Then play normal, get towers. We killed the red boss first, then the blue one. I’m not sure if the order matters.


  • Leader: Sneed
  • Team: Witch Doctor, Execute, Gargoyle, Quilboar, Harpies, Shaman
  • Important Talents: Spirit Ward (WD)
  • Opponent: Ghoul, Drake, Vultures, DI Miner, Earth Elemental, Darkspear Troll, Bandits
  • Counters: Harpies, Execute


Take both first towers, then send everything to the 2nd right or left tower, take the 2nd tower. Take the 3rd tower, deathball on the boss. When the boss is close to getting to P2, save your gold and don’t send too many troops on him. When your troops die and the boss is almost in P2, just use Execute.

The boss destroys all towers when he gets to P2. Then start over again, the same strategy as when you started. Get both 1st towers, get one 2nd tower, create another deathball, get one 3rd tower, support your deathball, make it bigger and have enough shamans to heal.

Get the boss to the P3, he doesn’t destroy towers this time, so just send more minis to support your deathball.

Baron Geddon

  • Leader: Rend
  • Team: DI Miner, Whelp Eggs, Gargoyle, Cheat Death, Pyromancer (try Darkspear Troll), Harpies
  • Crucial Talent: DON’T use the Seal Fate talent on Cheat Death
  • Opponent: Drake, Fire Elemental, Gargoyle, Vultures, Bat Rider, Gryphon Rider
  • Counters: Gargoyle, Whelp Eggs, Cheat Death

How did I clear it?

  • Leader: Baron Rivendare
  • Team: Gargoyle, Cheat Death, Quilboar?, Pyromancer, Whelp Eggs, Harpies
  • Crucial Talent: DON’T use the Seal Fate talent on Cheat Death


Use your minis to defend, save your gold and make sure you have your Gargoyle, Whelp Eggs and Cheat Death ready. When the boss reaches the eastern part of the map, you and your partner send Gargoyles. Wait a bit and then throw Whelp Eggs into the lava next to the boss + IMMEDIATELY use Cheat Death on them and hit your Gargoyles with it as well. Ideally, you and your partner want to chain the Cheat Death so you throw Eggs together, one of you the ChD and then another one after a few seconds.

You also need to keep watching your core. The defense may force you to play your Eggs + ChD combo a bit later. Harpies and Pyromancer are strong against incoming Gargoyles, Baron against Fire Elementals. You can basically ignore all gold nodes or play D.I. Miner instead of the Pyromancer, Harpies or Quilboar.

  • Alternative Leader: Charlga
  • Team: Polymorph, Chimaera, Harpies, Pyromancer (Execute), DI Miner, Holy Nova
  • Crucial Talent: Corrosive Breath


  • Leader: Tirion
  • Team: Gryphon Rider, Blizzard, Quilboar, Harpies, Shaman, Whelp Eggs
  • Crucial Talent: Air Drop, Divine Shield
  • Opponent: Earth Elemental, Fire Elemental, Core Hound, Firehammer, Pyromancer
  • Counters: Harpies (in defense)


You want to create a big deathball consisting of Tirion, Drakkisath, double Shaman, Gryphon Rider helps to level up your deathball. Throw whelps on the boss whenever you can for some free dmg. Drakkisath player wants to use Witch Doctor with Spirit Ward, Pyromancer, Shaman, Ogre Mage.

Whenever you see Firehammer+Pyromancer together, use Blizzard. Make sure you have a lot of healing in your deathball, it needs to survive as long as possible. Finish the boss with Whelp Eggs + Quilboar if he survives with low HP.


  • Leader: Drakkisath + Sneed
  • Team: DI Miner, Whelp Eggs, Meat Wagon, Banshee, Gargoyle, Blizzard
  • Crucial Talent: Filet Trebuchet

(If one of you has too low Blizzard, use Execute instead).


  • Molten Giant, Core Hound – countered by Banshee.
  • Flamewalker – countered by Whelp Eggs.
  • Firehammer, Pyromancer – countered by 26+ Blizzard.
  • Big Fire Elemental – countered by Gargoyle.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3757 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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