Your Chronicle – How to Skip Dungeon Reset Timer

How to Skip Dungeon Reset Timer with Sloth and Setup Basic Infinite AOE

This Guide’s Scope and Purpose

This guide will help you use Sloth to kill bosses faster, in part 1, and will explain how to setup infinite AoE for seed and research farming, in part 2.

The requirements for part 1 is Sloth and for part 2 are beating Memory eater, having Wooden Sword +5 and having secondary equipment unlocked.

Skipping Dungeon Reset Timer with Sloth


  • You can use Sloth to bypass the dungeon reset timer, which is the time that passes after you kill a boss and being able to fight again, this technique can help you farm bosses faster and is integral to infinite AoE.
  • If you kill a boss presses “D” to exit the dungeon and them swiftly enter the dungeon again you can manually bypass the dungeon reset timer and make you have faster clears, this is the manual way.
  • To automatically exit and re-enter a dungeon you need to use Sloth. If you put “Load template 1” on your Sloth in the other queue and then save that Sloth to template 1 you made a Sloth template that loads itself, if you pair that action with a dungeon on the dungeon queue you can make Sloth enter the dungeon, because it on the queue, and exit that dungeon, because it loaded template 1.
  • The only component you’re missing is timing when to exit and re-enter. The way you accomplish that is with the action ‘pick weeds’ from the village. If you turn on put in gold, on equipment, and use 10-12 pick weeds you can time the Sloth pretty accurately. You will need to use rest, you can’t put rest in Sloth so you will need to turn that on manually. If that’s not enough you do the Leathercrafter actions in Desert Lodging for +100% rest effect, use Green Slime, Yellow Slime and regular routine.
  • This trick can also help you to get rare summons since, like bosses, rares always spawn in the first slot.

Sloth Template

  • You’ll need Sloth to be fully turned of the set this.
  • Your Sloth template # should look like this:

Dungeon Queue:

  • Boss or the dungeon where the rare your’re farming spawns

Loop Queue:

  • Nothing.

Other Queue:

  • Pick weeds x12
  • Load template # (press ‘q’ on the template # of Sloth to set this)

If you make changes make sure to save them in the template! The loop action queue needs to be empty since you’l need to rest for action. you need to click rest manually.

The pick weeds amount may varies, 13 assumes you don’t have that much attack speed, the easy way to test of need to lower or increase this amount is turning Sloth off, entering the chosen dungeon and only then turning Sloth back on, this way you can see for yourself if you need it to go faster or slower, just don’t forget to save the new number on the template.

Basic Infinite AOE

  • AoE is probably the most powerful additional effect in the game. Using it infinitely is incredibly strong for seed and research farming.
  • If you have 3 maintenance every time you attack you will gain 1,5 seconds on your formation, if you’re using sharp spike it would seem like you have infinite Magic Formation and thus infinite AoE, that doesn’t happen because of the “Dungeon reset timer” and “Floor swap timer”, they make you loose precious seconds so you need to bypass them using Sloth, with this method you don’t get dungeon clear rewards since you only finish the first floor of any dungeon.
  • The requirements for this are beating Guardian 5, unlocking the skill “Ruler’s Force” from Muscle Priest and Having the Holy City boss summon.
  • Setting the up have 3 steps Equipment, Party and sloth.


  • This basic setup needs an equipment with at least 1 maintenance (Wooden Sword an Heavy Relic Armour), the wizard’s glove secondary equipment (any AoE 2nd equip will work) and you need to turn the magic formation on.
  • You unlock the opportunity to buy secondary equipment after defeating Guardian 5.


  • You need Memory Eater to be first, since it will be the only attacker.
  • Turn on the option “Disable Set Skill”, this will make Memory Eater use its default skill but still taking advantage of the additional effects of its set skill.
  • Set the skill “ruler’s force”.


  • You can use the same Sloth setup detailed on section 1but you need to swap the dungeon from boss to the dungeon 2 of the target area.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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