WE ARE FOOTBALL 2024 – Team Spirit Explained

Explanation of Team Spirit

Team spirit is another important factor for success. If it is poor, the players only think about themselves and do what they want.

You will notice this in undisciplined behaviour and a generally lax approach to games.

Team spirit is calculated from the following values:

  • Bite of the players -2 to +2 each
  • Player satisfaction -2 to +2 each
  • Team players +1 and +2 each for the highest score
  • Friends +1 each
  • Do not like each other -1 each
  • Many years together +1 for each player >3 years
  • Success situation +2 good, +4 great, -3 bad, -6 very bad
  • Start of season +1 good, +2 great, -2 bad, -4 very bad
  • Difficult player -1
  • Player is a positive type +1
  • Player with sociability=0 -1
  • Compatibility=0 -1
  • Negotiations=0 -1
  • Player changes safely -1
  • Player is underpaid -1
  • Player is severely underpaid -2
  • Player dreams of big club -1
  • Performance last game from -2 to +2

There are also temporary bonus points. These result, for example, from coach actions or player actions.

How can you increase team spirit?

  • First of all, ensure fair salaries
  • Identify and eliminate difficult players, then replace them with positive types
  • Either motivate players without bite again or hand them over
  • Generally work on the satisfaction of all players, e.g. through substitutions

The rest comes with success.

Team spirit has a major impact on the team’s performance. It is particularly effective when trailing and against strong or at least equal opponents. A good team spirit also sends a strong signal to the outside world when new signings are made.

Team spirit is displayed on the pre-match motivation screen, for example, but also in the “1st team” section. 40 points is a strong value.

>30 One for all, all for one!
>25 Close-knit community
>20 Team spirit takes centre stage
>15 Functioning community
>10 Professional behaviour
>=0 Collection of individualists
>-10 Pile of rubble

Otherwise snake pit.

It can happen that the team spirit suddenly jumps by a chain of certain circumstances if several relevant factors change at the same time. This is a kind of shock and occurs particularly when many players are affected by small deductions at the same time. It is important to keep your nerve here. The list above can help to identify and combat the reasons.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3755 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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