WE ARE FOOTBALL 2024 – Guide to Transfer Market and Scouting

Transfer Market and Scouting

Players can be scouted over 10 levels. The higher the level reached, the more information you have about the player. In addition, you get the security that the player really fits to your club afterwards, i.e. the change of the player’s strength after the signing is somewhat reduced.

To find suitable players, you have the following two options:

Exploring the player market

With the action “Probe player market” you have the general possibility to collect information about a country. Together with your experience in other areas (e.g. matches against corresponding teams) this improves your knowledge about the player market there. This makes your scouting more efficient and faster, as your scouts enter at a higher level than they normally would. Since update 3 (01.07.21) the player market can be scouted automatically. You can select a country via the “+”.

You can get an overview of your knowledge under “Personal” and there under “Network”. As soon as you make significant progress in a country, you will be informed separately.

Placing a scout order

Here you give an order to your scouts to find a certain type of player. After a few weeks they will report back. Suitable candidates you can then scout again closer, these start already with a higher information value.

Manual player search

Besides the regular scouting there is of course also the possibility to search for players directly. You can call this up in the scouting section via “Search for players” as well as on the planning screen via “Scout/contract players”.

There you can put players on your scouting list, which now offers space for 80 entries and can thus also function as a notepad / wish list. You will then receive new information step by step and can decide for or against the player.

Preliminary discussions

Preliminary talks can help to make your club interesting for the target player. Afterwards, it can be decisive how much effort you have already made for the player before the actual negotiations. Sometimes, however, you get a direct rejection.

At the bottom of this page you will find some important lists for transfers. You will get an overview, for which players the solidarity mechanism (training compensation) would work in your favour, which participations you have negotiated in case of a resale, but also which share you might have to pay in case of sales to former clubs.

Engaging players

To sign a player, you have several options.

  • The easiest way is to sign players who are free on loan or without a club. You can find them e.g. via the player search. The corresponding options are available at the bottom left.
  • If the player still has a club, you must first come to an agreement with them. For this you have to agree on a corresponding transfer fee or loan fee. In addition, there is a possible participation in the resale or, in the case of a loan, the duration and a possible purchase option.
  • In a transfer negotiation it is important to get as much money out of the deal as possible. However, the closer the negotiation is to breaking down, the more cautious you have to be. In some transfers, part of the transfer fee goes to the clubs that previously trained the player. This is an international regulation. It can sometimes be a bit annoying, but it can also lead to surprising income for you in the course of the game.
  • When negotiating with players, it is important to negotiate as hard as possible the areas of the contract that are important to the club. Here, too, it is best if the agreement is reached shortly before it is broken off. Some players are represented by a player advisor, in which case the negotiations are particularly strenuous.

Attention: The advisor talks to you and tries to get you on his side. However, he is by no means your friend, but only tries to get the best for himself and his client.

Hand over players

You can give away players by simply not renewing their contracts. Later, another club will sign the player, but you might lose a transfer fee.

  • If the player still has a contract, the club must first talk to you. He will first make a corresponding offer. If you like the offer, there is a basis for further negotiations – you can express interest and then negotiate with the other party. Possible are also here purchase and loan offers. Try, as always in negotiations, to get a signature when your negotiating partner is about to lose patience. These offers simply come in the course of the week.
  • If you want to get rid of a player, you can also put the player on the transfer list, look in the section “1st team” or “2nd team”. Select the player there and click on “Put on transfer list”. You can also put a player on the transfer list via the player profile (right click on player). This way, other clubs become aware of the possibility to sign the player and might contact you.

Adjustment of market values

A few weeks after the end of the transfer period your players will be re-evaluated. This is the moment of truth – especially for your new signings. If you have scouted them thoroughly, you have nothing to fear. Otherwise it will be seen if their level and skills are also valid at the new club. Also with your existing players you can prepare yourself for the one or other surprise from time to time. Above all, there is now also the possibility for the absolute stars for upgrades beyond the 15th level.

Deadline Day

Deadline Day is the last day of a transfer period. It is the last day where you have the chance to sign players who will be directly in your squad. After that you have to wait a few months until another chance comes up. Keep in mind when selling that the chance for replacements is extremely low now. On Deadline Day you can only participate if you have a player for sale on the transfer market or if other clubs are interested in your players.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2274 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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