Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic – How to Fast Start on Realistic Mode

Realistic Mode Guide

  • Ctrl+1 and +2 is good before you have citizens. They simplify some of the simulation and while using it for a moment here and there doesn´t hurt, avoid using it much with citizens in your republic. They might not get their needs.
  • Autosave off is a really bad idea. Keep it in on at least 5min interval. Helps a lot in case of (rare, but still there) game crash.
  • Build a small city near the customs (at least 2-3k, preferrably plan for 5k), like 1-2km away. Start with things necessary to run it (bus stop, firestation, hospital, 3-4 largest brick houses, school and kindergarden, trash cans, utilites). For water and sewage are substations enough. Electricity and heat need to be fully planned.
  • Build a construction yard from free offices and free warehouses on the city border. Have 2 freeDOs near customs to supply them (1 truck for fuel, 2 flatbeds and 2 huge gravel dumpers). 5 warehouses at least (boards, bricks, steel, prefabs, gravel). Near the customs have only mixers CO (4 mixers; var. 3 mixes+1 covered hull) and foreign workers CO (a crane+3 vans, no buses). Rest is near the COyard
    • 2 flatbeds + 2 excavators (no autosearch).
    • 2 flatbeds + 2 dozers (autosearch only on roads and pavements).
    • 3-4 dumpers + covered hull (depending on mixers; autosearch on roads and pavements only).
    • 1 finisher, 1 roller, 1 open hull, 1 crane.
  • Last free CO is what I call “pavers and small buildings” -> they have ONE van and ONE crane. Eventually give them 1-2 small dumpers after you have gravel up and running. And no autosearch of course.

Something like this:

  • Group COs and shortcut that menu.
    • Group 1 are materials. Add here everything that doesn´t contain people.
    • Group 2 are workers. They need a separate one
    • Group 4 or some sht like this are pavers. They are sent on short pieces only (small roads and sidewalks) that cannot be build via mechanisms. Also they get assigned things like switches, substations, short wires, etc; hence the crane.
  • Then start building. Use frequently free fuel pumps and keep them supplied. With materials close, the supply is really fast. Aim for 500 citizens ASAP. Use group 1 to bring materials to things you want to get constructed (usually 3-5 running sites at the same building stage are enough), then send workers to build those sites being material-ready and needing only workers.
  • Once you have some houses, shopping center supplied, kindergarden, indoor pool (cheapest all-year-rounder sport), cinema, hospital/clinic and at least school (and all this in a range of bus stop/station), you may invite first citizens. Best possible result yet I have around may 1961.
  • Do not invite all at once, get like 100 and see their problems. After a minute get another 100-150 and see how they act. Do they live and work? They WILL need to work in the city and you need to invite some university educated as well for school and hospital. Does it all work? Great. Now increase you population to around 300-400 workers, last 30-50 can be uneducated USD workers (you have school, right?).
  • These first citizens are not here to MAKE money, they are here to SAVE money. They are here to grow your city and to build from own sources. Stop importing foreign workers. Move your people COs as close as possible to your central bus station.
    • Goal for these is to:
      • Build university (and man it).
      • Build a heating plant.
      • Expand the city.
      • Build and man first businesses.

With 400-500 workers it is really easy to invite more workers for USD every few months (10-30). You also do not need people CO to build buildings in your city anymore – just allow “workers outside CO” to work on things after they are ready. 2-5 are absolutely enough for container stands, decorations, substations; around 20-25 (max bonus from your road crane in main group) for additional housing unit/big building wherenever you need one.

First money – Clothing/fabric + farming and/or hazardous waste import and burning.

First uni – definitely small soviet one, after kickstart fo the city add a technical one (prefferably smaller modded one, just as a “research center”).

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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