Yu Crossing Animals – 100% Full Achievement Walkthrough

List of achievements and how to get them.

How to Obtain All Achievements

List of Achievements

First Night

  • Sleep for the first time in your own home

Your home is found to the left of the town hall. Sleeping is also how your game progress is saved. But only after you exit your home.


  • Complete all Marionette’s requests


  • Complete all Mona’s interactions


  • Get close to the town’s succubus


  • Have the pool “eggsperience”


  • Find all sketches scattered across the town

Drills to Pay the Bills

  • Earn 10,000 gold


  • Pick money from the lost wallet


  • Have your speed increased by using a specific item

All Done!

  • Complete all interactions

Achievement Walkthrough

At the beginning of the game, Mayor Eclet will give you the assignment to get to know the townsfolk and to start with Marionette. She can be found in the second house to the right of the town hall. Her house has several trash cans outside so it’s hard to miss. (Investigate the middle trash can to get a mechanical part. You’ll need this later.)


Go through Marionette’s dialogue and the mini-game that follows to receive the “AssFitter 70Z”. This plug can then be used to get the “Speed” achievement. Just click the red plug at the top of the screen, select “insert” and get a movement boost for a short distance. Remove it before Yu orgasms and reinsert it for more boosts or enjoy what happens if you leave it in. (It has unlimited uses.)


From Marionette’s house, return to Mayor Eclet and get your next assignment to investigate a new town member. Xavielle. On the way, collect the drawings for the achievement “Sketches”. The first can be found in the trash can of the house directly south of Marionette’s house. The trash can sits to the left of the front door. From here, go to the right of the house, walking east, following the solid tree line until you find a glowing, green flower. The second drawing is inside it.


Now, you can head up north to Xavielle’s house. Inside, you’ll be given a quest to find gemstones and bat hair. Once outside again, go to the two trash cans north of Xavielle’s house. The topmost trash can has a lost pouch with 2,500 gold inside. Use the pouch to get the achievement “Greedy”.

It’s now time to meet Mona. Use your speed boosts, return to the green flower where the drawing was found and follow the tree line westward to the other side of the town. You’ll find Mona in the bottom left corner of the town. She has the gems, bat hair and wrench you’ll need. For a price.

First Night

Go north after you’re done talking with Mona to find your house. Here, you can revisit scenes, check out the sketches you found and save your progress. The game automatically saves as soon as you exit your house to start the next day. You’ll get the achievement “First Night” here.

Drills to Pay the Bills

The quickest route for the remaining achievements is to grind (literally) for gold at Marionette’s house. Using your speed boosts, travel back and forth between your house and Marionette’s to help with her “research”. You’ll need to play the mini-game approximately ten times (depending on how well you do) to get the achievement “Drills to Pay the Bills”.


Now that you’re loaded…Return to Mona and purchase her precious items. After the scene, speak with Mona again and purchase the bat hair. This gets you the achievement “Mona”. Use the bag-o-stuff to get pebbles, a metal chain and a gold coil.


Combine the gold coil with the broken dickular recombulator (the mechanical part found outside Marionette’s earlier). You can return to Marionette’s and give her the working recombulator at any time. Sleep for one day after giving it to her then return for a surprise scene. You’ll get the achievement “Marionette”.


Next, go to Xavielle’s house and give her the gem/pebbles and bat hair. Enjoy the scene and get the achievement “Xavielle”.

At this point, you should only be missing the achievements “Pool” and “All Done!”.


To the right of Marionette’s house, head north and across the bridge there. You’ll see a house immediately to your left. West and north of that house is another house. You can enter this one. Inside is a, you guessed it, pool. Examine the plant on the left side to get a note with instructions. Try to turn on the hose to the right of the pool (the spigot is on the wall). Return to Mona and purchase the wrench (If you didn’t take the time to get the “Drills to Pay the Bills” achievement, you’ll need to grind for gold). Go back to the pool and turn on the hose. Then, examine the right side of the large fish statue. Now, you’ll need to sleep for a night.

Return to the filled pool and use the metal chain on it. Go for a swim. Afterwards, return home. You’ll need to play Marionette’s mini-game a couple more times so you can pass the time. You need to sleep for three days for Yu to give new dialogue about the egg. Make one more trip out to the pool and swim. You got the “Pool” achievement.

All Done!

With that, you receive the final achievement “All Done!” Phew! Congratulations you kinky thing, yu. Speak with the mayor if you wish but there won’t be any new assignments.


You can get the achievements in any order you wish after your first conversation with Xavielle.

After purchasing the wrench, Mona will give you a vial of snail slime. As of writing this, I’ve done extensive testing with all the combinations and order of doing things I could think of but have not found a use for it. At this moment, I believe it is just a trophy reward from your squishy friend. That might change in the future.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2274 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. The “Drills to pay the bills” achievement needs you to have 10k coins at once. Recommend grinding for this before any purchases since you will be at a 2.5k head start

  2. I found 2.5k in a trash can on the right of the map, behind Xavielle’s house . You choose to stay or return, if you choose to stay, just click on the money bag at the top of the screen and use.

  3. for those confused about not getting the pool one, just keep farming the “T” and resting. Eventually Tu will say to visit the pool again about the egg.

  4. for those confused about not getting the pool one, just keep farming the “T” and resting. Eventually Tu will say to visit the pool again about the egg.

  5. P.S the “Drills to pay the bills” achievement needs you to have 10k coins at once. Recommend grinding for this before any purchases since you will be at a 2.5k head start

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