This guide shows how to make infinite amounts of most resources in the game almost from scratch without any cheating. You’re going to need a Medium Refiner and for some items a Large Refiner. You can get the blueprints for both on the Anomaly. Note that it’s gonna take quite some time to produce large quantities of some items.
Guide to Infinite Resources
Basic Resources
Used Abbreviation:
- C.C. = Condensed Carbon (this is gonna get used a lot).
Infinite Di-Hydrogen:
- Needed to start: 40 Di-Hydrogen, the more, the faster this will go.
- Craft as many Di-Hydrogen Jelly as you can. Refine those in any Refiner (Portable is enough, use Medium or Large to not need any fuel) and you’ll get 50 Di-Hydrogen.
- You can craft Di-Hydrogen Jelly by refining Di-Hydrogen in the Refiner to turn 30 Di-Hydrogen into 50, but this is very slow, so I can’t recommend that. The other way is a lot faster.
Yield: 40 Di-Hydrogen -> 50 Di-Hydrogen.
Infinite Carbon (this is the basis for almost everything in this guide):
You can get infinite amounts of Carbon straight from the start just with your Portable Refiner (you need 30 Oxygen and 50 Ferrite Dust to craft that one). This is pretty slow and tedious, but it can get you started without having to harvest a ton of plants and should in most cases be faster than that for medium/large quantities.
I recommend looking for a cave and do this while getting some Cobalt etc. while the refiner is going.
Needed to start: 100 Carbon OR 34 Condensed Carbon (you can make less work if you manage to fuel it and still have some Carbon in your inventory (either harvested after fueling or having some Carbon and some C.C.)).
Any amount of Carbon/C.C. for duping.
How to dupe: If you don’t have any C.C. yet, fill up your refiner with Carbon and then refine all the Carbon you have left into C.C.. From now on, always use C.C. to fuel your refiner!
Loop: Fill your Portable Refiner with Condensed Carbon and pick it back up right away. The 34 C.C. you filled the refiner with have turned into 100 Carbon. Do that until you have <34 C.C. left. Once you don’t have enough for a full load of fuel for your refiner, refine all the Carbon you have into C.C.
Repeat this loop, until you have as much Carbon as you want.
Yield: 34 C.C. (= 68 Carbon) -> 100 Carbon (= 50 C.C.)
Infinite Carbon with a Medium Refiner:
Resources needed:
- Medium (/Large) Refiner.
- Some C.C. to get started.
- 1 Di-Hydrogen OR 1 Mordite OR 3 Faecium.
1 Faecium + 1 C.C. -> 3 C.C.
Create Faecium
Use this once to get you started, unless you already have some Faecium:
- 1 Di-Hydrogen + 1 C.C. -> 1 Mordite
- 1 Mordite + 1 C.C. -> 4 Faecium
Keep a big stack of Faecium around, you’re going to need it once in a while (for example to dupe Cobalt, see Minerals for that).
Yield: 1 Di-Hydrogen + 2 C.C. -> 4 Faecium
Infinite Faecium:
Use this once in a while to make more Faecium without Di-Hydrogen to keep your Carbon-Production going:
3 Faecium -> 2 Mordite (+ 2 C.C. -> 8 Faecium)
Yield: 3 Faecium (+ 2 C.C.) -> 8 Faecium)
Overall Yield:
3 Faecium + 6 C.C. -> 8 Faecium + 4 C.C. -> 4 Faecium + 12 C.C. => 6 C.C. -> 12 C.C., 3 Faecium -> 4 Faecium
Infinite Sodium:
- 1 Sodium + 1 C.C. -> 2 Sodium Nitrate
- 1 Sodium Nitrate -> 2 Sodium
Yield: 1 Sodium (+ 1 C.C.) -> 4 Sodium
Infinite Pure / Magnetised Ferrite:
- 1 Pure Ferrite + 1 C.C. -> 3 Magnetised Ferrite
- 1 Magnetised Ferrite -> 2 Pure Ferrite
Yield: 1 Pure Ferrite (+ 1 C.C.) -> 6 Pure Ferrite / 1 Mag. Ferrite (+2 C.C.) -> 6 Mag. Ferrite
There is no infinite loop for Ferrite Dust, but you can make Ferrite Dust out of Pure Ferrite with Oxygen:
- 1 Pure Ferrite + 1 Oxygen -> 2 Rusted Metal
- 1 Rusted Metal -> 2 Ferrite Dust
Yield: 1 Pure Ferrite (+ 1 Oxygen) -> 4 Ferrite Dust
Minerals (Money Maker #1)
Infinite Cobalt
- Resources needed: Medium Refiner, 1 Mordite, 1 Sodium Nitrate, 1 Ionised Cobalt.
- For how to make Mordite, see Basic Resources, Carbon Loop.
- Easiest: 3 Faecum -> 2 Mordite.
- 1 Mordite + 1 Sodium Nitrate -> 4 Marrow Bulb (This can also be harvested in caves, but refining is gonna be a lot quicker if you need large amounts).
- 1 Marrow Bulb + 1 Cobalt -> 2 Ionised Cobalt
- 1 Ionised Cobalt -> 2 Cobalt
Yield: 1 Mordite + 1 Sodium Nitrate -> 4 Ionised Cobalt / 8 Cobalt (if you have 1 to start the loop)
Infinite Salt / Chlorine
This requires Oxygen which can’t be made infinitely, but if you have that readily available, this is where you wanna use it. It is imho easier to make money with Cobalt, though.
Resources needed: Medium Refiner, Di-Hydrogen / Salt / Chlorine, Oxygen
- 1 Di-Hydrogen + 1 Oxygen -> 1 Salt
- 2 Salt + 2 Oxygen -> 5 Chlorine
- 1 Chlorine + 2 Oxygen -> 6 Chlorine
These require the same amount whether you use Ferrite Dust or Pure Ferrite, but since you can make infinite amounts of Pure Ferrite, but need Oxygen to make Ferrite Dust, I advise using Pure Ferrite.
- 1 Sodium Nitrate + 1 C.C. -> 2 Dioxite
- 2 Dioxite +1 Pure Ferrite / Ferrite Dust -> 1 Phosphorus
- 2 Phosphorus +1 Pure Ferrite / Ferrite Dust -> 1 Uranium
- 2 Uranium +1 Pure Ferrite / Ferrite Dust -> 1 Pyrite
- 2 Pyrite +1 Pure Ferrite / Ferrite Dust -> 1 Paraffinium
- 2 Paraffinium +1 Pure Ferrite / Ferrite Dust -> 1 Ammonia
- 2 Ammonia +1 Pure Ferrite / Ferrite Dust -> 1 Dioxite
Since Dioxite is so easy to make (both Carbon and Sodium can be infinitely made), I would usually start from there, but if you have one of the other elements readily available, you can of course start anywhere in this loop.
Resources needed:
- 1 Ammonia = 2 Paraffinium + 2 Pure Ferrite = 4 Pyrite + 4 PF = 8 Uranium + 8 PF = 16 Phosphorus + 16 PF = 32 Dioxite + 32 PF = 64 Sodium + 64 Nitrate + 64 PF
- 1 Paraffinium = 2 Pyrite + 2 PF = 4 Uranium + 4 PF = 8 Phosphorus + 8 PF = 16 Dioxite + 16 PF = 32 Sodium + 32 Nitrate + 32 PF
- 1 Pyrite = 2 Uranium + 2 PF = 4 Phosphorus + 4 PF = 8 Dioxite + 8 PF = 16 Sodium + 16 Nitrate + 16 PF
- 1 Uranium = 2 Phosphorus + 2 PF = 4 Dioxite + 4 PF = 8 Sodium + 8 Nitrate + 8 PF
- 1 Phosphorus = 2 Dioxite + 2 PF = 4 Sodium + 4 Nitrate + 8 PF
I am going to Abbreviate Chromatic Metal with CM. For how to make the Elements needed to make Gold/Silver/Platinum (Dioxide etc.), see the section Elements.
Copper, Cadmium, Emeril, Indium, Chromatic Metal
To get an infinite Loop with those, you need some Emeril or Indium to start with. Indium is more effective, but Emeril works as well.
Careful not to run out of the base material, never convert everything into Chromatic Metal!
Infinite Indium:
Resources needed: 3 Indium (you always need 1 more to start converting the CM back into the base material)
- 2 Indium -> 4 CM
- 1 Indium + 1 CM -> 2 Indium
Yield: 1 Indium -> 2 Indium
Infinite Emeril:
Resources needed: 3 Emeril
- 2 Emeril -> 3 CM
- 1 Emeril + 1 CM -> 2 Emeril
Yield: 3 Emeril -> 4 Emeril
Infinite Chromatic Metal:
- Use either of the above methods and use spare Emeril or Indium to make Chromatic Metal:
- 2 Indium -> 4 CM / 2 Emeril -> 3 CM
- Indium is more effective.
- You can also use the following method, but Gold + Silver are too complicated to make (see below) to make this worthwile:
- 1 Gold + 1 Silver + 1 of either Copper, Cadmium, Emeril or Indium
You can also use the activated variants of Copper, Cadmium, Emeril or Indium to make CM, but this only works to get Chromatic Metal, you can’t turn CM back into activated metals, so there is no possible infinite with them.
Infinite Copper and Cadmium:
To create infinite amounts of these, it’s easiest to use either Indium or Emeril to make infinite amounts of Chromatic Metal, then you can use that to create Copper or Cadmium:
- 1 Copper + 1 CM -> 2 Copper
- 1 Cadmium + 1 CM -> 2 Cadmium
You can also use the following method for Cadmium, but once you can do this, you probably have access to Emeril or Indium already, which is way easier to duplicate, so this is not worth it imho:
- 1 Pure Ferrite + 1 Cadmium -> 2 CM
- 1 Cadmium + 1 CM -> 2 Cadmium
Yield: 2 Cadmium -> 3 Cadmium
Note: You can use Pure Ferrite to duplicate Emeril and Indium as well (Pure Ferrite + Emeril = 3 CM, Pure Ferrite + Indium = 4 CM), but the above described method is a lot easier, so I recommend that one.
Infinite Gold:
I am not mentioning some methods to make Gold, where one of the required components can’t be made infinitely.
Pure Ferrite can also be replaced by double the amount of Ferrite Dust, but since that can’t be duplicated, I rather use Pure Ferrite.
You can also use 5 Platinum or 20 Tritium instead of Silver or Gold, but those are harder to come by.
- 30 Uranium + 60 Pure Ferrite + 10 Gold OR 20 Silver -> Lemmium
- 30 Phosphorus + 30 Ionised Cobalt OR 60 Cobalt + 10 Gold OR 20 Silver -> Magno Gold
- 30 Dioxide + 30 Ionised Cobalt OR 60 Cobalt + 10 Gold OR 20 Silver -> Grantine
Magno Gold / Lemmium / Grantine -> 125 Gold
With the right recipe, you can also make those without a refiner, but this requires a lot more Ferrite or Cobalt, so I prefer using the refiner.
If you have Oxygen readily available (can’t be duped, Ferrite Dust can only be made with Oxygen as well):
- 1 Ferrite Dust + 1 Oxygen + 1 Emeril = 10 Gold
Infinite Silver:
You can also use 5 Platinum or 20 Tritium instead of Silver or Gold, but those are harder to come by. Pure Ferrite can be replaced by double the amount of Ferrite Dust.
- 30 Paraffinium + 30 Ionised Cobalt OR 60 Cobalt + 10 Gold OR 20 Silver -> Aronium
- 30 Pyrite + 60 Pure Ferrite + 10 Gold OR 20 Silver -> Dirty Bronze
- 30 Ammonia + 30 Ionised Cobalt OR 60 Cobalt + 10 Gold OR 20 Silver -> Herox
Aronium / Dirty Bronze / Herox -> 250 Silver
With the right recipe, you can also make those without a refiner, but this requires a lot more Ferrite or Cobalt, so I prefer using the refiner.
Infinite Platinum:
1 Silver + 1 Gold -> 1 Platinum
If you have Oxygen readily available (can’t be duped, Ferrite Dust can only be made with Oxygen as well):
1 Ferrite Dust + 1 Oxygen + 250 Chromatic Metal -> 10 Platinum
You can also refine Geodesite or Iridesite into 250 Platinum:
Geodesite = 1 Dirty Bronze + 1 Herox + 1 Lemmium (= 500 Silver + 125 Gold -> 250 Platinum)
This requires half the amount of Gold, but double the amount of Silver that you would need otherwise, so if you have Silver readily available, but have to make Gold, this is a decent alternative.
Iridesite = 1 Aronium + 1 Magno-Gold + 1 Grantine (= 250 Silver + 250 Gold -> 250 Platinum)
This requires the same amount of resources as combining Gold and Silver.
As far as I am aware of, there is no way to make infinite Gasses, but you can turn them into each other as long as you have a way to aquire one of them (for example with a Gas Extractor).
Nitrogen, Sulphurine, Radon:
- 1 Nitrogen + 1 Chromatic Metal -> 1 Sulphurine
- 1 Sulphurine + 1 Chromatic Metal -> 1 Radon
- 1 Radon + 1 Chromatic Metal -> 1 Nitrogen
For how to make infinite amounts of Chromatic Metal, see the section Metals.
- Salt + Nitrogen -> Kelp Sac
- Kelp Sac + Carbon / C.C. -> Oxygen
For how to make the Elements (Dioxide etc.) and Gases needed, see the sections Elements and/or Gases.
You are going to need one of the plant to get you started, then you can just make more with the corresponding element.
You can make the plants using Gases, but those can’t be made infinitely, so I would always just make 1 plant to get you started and then use the corresponding element to make more.
I also suggest always keeping at least 1 of each plant around to make more later, since you’ll need them in a lot of crafting recipes.
Frost Crystal
- 2 Dioxite + 1 Oxygen / 1 Dioxite + 1 Radon -> 1 Frost Crystal
- 1 Frost Crystal + 1 Dioxite -> 2 Frost Crystal
- 2 Phosphorus + 1 Oxygen / 1 Phosphorus + 1 Sulphurine / 1 Di-Hydrogen + 1 Sulphurine -> 1 Solanium
- Solanium + Phosphorus -> 2 Solanium
Cactus Flesh
- 1 Pyrite + 1 Sulphurine / 2 Pyrite + 1 Oxygen -> 1 Cactus Flesh
- 1 Cactus Flesh + 1 Pyrite -> 2 Cactus Flesh
Star Bulb
- 1 Paraffinium + 1 Nitrogen / 2 Paraffinium + 1 Oxygen -> 1 Star Bulb
- 1 Paraffinium + 1 Star Bulb -> 2 Star Bulb
Fungal Mould
- 1 Ammonia + 1 Nitrogen / 2 Ammonia + 1 Oxygen -> 1 Fungal Mould
- 1 Ammonia + 1 Fungal Mould -> 2 Fungal Mould
Gamma Root
- 1 Uranium + Radon / 2 Uranium + 1 Oxygen -> 1 Gamma Root
- 1 Uranium + 1 Gamma Root -> 2 Gamma Root
- 1 Di-hydrogen + 1 Tritium -> 1 Deuterium
This can be crafted, but since Tritium can only be bought or found in asteroids, it’s gonna be hard to come by. Luckily it’s not needed for many recipes.
Not craftable
As far as I am aware of, there is no way to craft the following items, you have to buy / harvest them.
- Material – Source – Usage
- Tritium – Source: Buying, Asteroids – Ship Fuel
- Silicate Powder – Source: Terrain Manipulator – Crafting
- Cyto-Phosphate – Source: Underwater plants – Rarely used for crafting
- Basalt – Source: Volcanic planets – Not used anywhere
- Pugneum – Source: Sentinels – Crafting, Refining (can mostly be replaced there)
- Activated Copper / Cadmium / Emeril / Indium – can be replaced by their normal counterparts
- Residual Goop / Runaway Mould / Living Slime / Viscous Fluids
You can turn dioxite into ferrite dust!!