Cities: Skylines is a fresh spin on the classic city-building game. While elaborating on several well-established cliches of the city-building experience, the game incorporates new game play features to simulate the excitement and tribulations of establishing and maintaining a real city. Only your imagination limits you, so take command and reach for the stars! Building a city from the ground up is simple to understand but difficult to master. As the mayor of your city, you’ll have to strike a balance between basic needs like education, water, power, police, firefighting, healthcare, and more, as well as your city’s real-economy system.

Cities: Skylines – Guide for IMT with Vanilla+ Roads
How to get your filler colors right in the Intersection Marking Tool (IMT). Lane Filler Colors Tram lane: RGBA (113, 255, 164, 32) Bus lane: RGBA (245, 124, 101, 33) […]