Crime Boss: Rockay City – How to Move from the Playtest Build

How to Move from the Playtest Build to the Full Release

Here are some important details about moving from the playtest build to the full release of our game:

Save Files

Good news! Your save files from the playtest build will automatically work with the full release. No need to do anything special to transfer them.

Important: Don’t delete the save folder when cleaning up the playtest build.

The folder path is:

  • C:\Users\[Username]\Saved Games\Crime Boss

Cloud Saves: These are linked as well. If your files were correctly uploaded to the cloud, you should be fine even if you lose your local files.

Game Files

Redownloading the Game: We recommend redownloading the full release instead of using the playtest build.

This reduces the risk of file corruptions since the release build has some differences compared to the playtest. Also, since the full release is a different version, an update will trigger anyway.

Using the Playtest Build: While it might work, it’s not advised due to the potential for increased corruption.

If redownloading isn’t an option and you really want to use the playtest build:

Rename the install folder from Crime Boss Rockay City Playtest to CrimeBossRockayCity.

Replace the playtest app ID 3021730 in with CrimeBossRockayCity\CrimeBoss\Binaries\Win64\steam_appid.txt with the full release app ID 2933080

After this verify the game files through Steam to ensure everything is correct.

How to Obtain the DLCs on Steam

To clarify how to obtain the DLCs on Steam:

  • If you purchased the game on Steam, no additional action is needed! The DLCs are part of the base game for a limited time. You should see them in the DLC tab on the Crime Boss page in your Steam library, as shown in the picture below.
  • If you don’t see them there, don’t worry! Just start the game, and the content should unlock automatically.

I hope you found this helpful!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 13414 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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