This guide will show you how to do all the backtalks in episode one without any flaw.
Other LiS:BtS Guides:
- Full Walkthrough (Epsode #1).
- All Graffiti Locations Episode #1.
- All Graffiti Locations Episode #2.
- All Graffiti Locations Episode #3.
BackTalks are Badass!
As mentioned in the description, this guide will show you how to get all the backtalks perfectly without any mistakes.Of course, most of these BackTalks can be avoided, but I love it, they’re a cool feature in this game. So, decided to make a guide for it, although it might seem pretty easy. The first BackTalk is pretty easy because the game pretty much teaches how the answers since it’s the first one. It happens in the Mill. So, I’m going to start from the second BackTalk. And before we start, you must look at everything around you(papers, notice, books etc….everything you can see) to unlock particular things in BackTalks to win easily and not to worry, except for the first BackTalk, every other BackTalk is present and in order. All the videos are created by me, not taken from some YouTube channel. And the graphics is set to low and fps might seem bad sometimes (because of my recording software), apologies for that.
BackTalk with David
This Backtalk starts when you get inside David’s car to go to school. You can choose to avoid this BackTalk though.
BackTalk with Principal Wells
This BackTalk won’t start or happen if you don’t go to the stage before going inside the school. You have to sit on a box after you get on the unprepared stage and leave. After you press leave, Principal wells will show up and you can start it.
BackTalk in the Nerd Game
This BackTalk won’t start if you don’t agree to play with the nerds you get the DVD from, guess their names are Stepy and Murph (kinda forgot the names). If you agree you play with them and go to the prison camp to free the prisoners, you’ll be prompted to BackTalk with the Dragonkin (The warden of that prison) to get the keys for releasing the prisoners.
BackTalk with Drew
This BackTalk will start once you choose to save Nathan from Drew, won’t start if you choose to ignore Drew.
BackTalk with Picnickers
This BackTalk is not optional since it’s in the main story. Rachel will distract the picnickers and you have to steal the wine bottle. So, you’ll have to BackTalk (or divert their attention to Rachel) so that you can steal the bottle without getting caught. One thing that’ll you should do before you start pry open the ViewFinder and get the coin, go to the spot where the picnickers are. You’ll unlock a dialogue which will be the finisher move for this BackTalk.
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