By following this short guide you will be able to fully customize all your home cities to your personal liking.
Unlocking All Home City Cosmetics
Home cities can be leveled up by obtaining in-game XP. In the original AoE III leveling up your home cities served two main purposes:
- Unlocking shipment cards in order to create custom card decks.
- Unlocking cosmetic items in order to visually customize your home cities.
In the Definitive Edition however all shipment cards are unlocked by default and therefore leveling up your home city only serves the purpose of unlocking cosmetic items.
Before Getting Started
- Determine the amount of not yet unlocked cosmetic items in the home city that you want to level up. Now add the current home city level to this number. The result corresponds to the home city level required to unlock all cosmetic items. Keep that number in mind.
- Copy the cheat code ‘nova & orion’ into your clipboard (‘Ctrl + C’).
- Start a single player skirmish game (the settings are irrelevant).
- Open the in-game chat (‘Enter’), insert the cheat code (‘Ctrl + V’) and confirm your entry (‘Enter’). Repeating these steps two more times will grand you the maximum amount of XP per game which is 30.000 XP.
- Open the in-game menu (‘Esc’) and resign the current game.
- Open the in-game menu again (‘Esc’) and restart the current game.
- Repeat this procedure until your home city hits the required level to unlock all cosmetic items.
Final Words
- As you might have noticed this guide is based on the use of a cheat code.
- If you want to level up your home cities by grinding legit XP instead of cheating, I recommend you checking out the section ‘Home City’ of this excellent achievement guide.
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