If you want to carry over your over your save from EGS, this guide will help you do so. The inverse of this guide is also true, and your Steam save can be transferred to the Epic Games Store, if you want.
Transfering Guide
Finding your Epic Games Store saves
- Open Run from the Start Menu.
- Copy and paste this path:
%LOCALAPPDATA%ManeaterSavedSaveGames - Click ‘OK’ to open the directory.
There should be files here. If there are none, then you no longer have your local saves from the EGS version of the game.
Sorting your saves
When you arrive at the Maneater directory, this is a shared directory for Epic Games Store and Steam.
The four files you want from the Epic Games Store files look like this:
If you purposely or accidentally started the Steam version of the game, a profile will be created here. So you’ll see additional files that look like this:
Note: ################# will be an actual string of numbers in your directory.
Backup any existing Steam saves
Whether you have progress or not, backing up existing data before making changes is necessary.
Copy all the files in the SaveGames directory starting with ################# should be cut and pasted into a new folder, let’s call it “steam_backup” within this directory.
Backup the EGS saves, just in case
We’re going to be renaming the existing EGS files located here, so let’s back them up too:
Copy all the files in the SaveGames directory without the ################# prefix, and cut and paste them into a new folder within this directory, and we’ll call this “egs_backup”.
Rename EGS saves to Steam naming scheme
Now there is where it gets slightly tricky. Pay close attention as the underline prefix of PROFILE files have two underlines, where as the prefix to save files have a single underline.
Rename all of the following:
To the following:
Start the game to confirm transfer is complete
Now is the easy part.
Just start the game as normal, and be sure you see a “Continue” prompt at the screen. You can confirm your save is good by going to ‘Load’ and the save file will show your progression percentage, hours played, and date last played.
There is one caveat of copying your Epic Games Store save to Steam, which is actually true of nearly all the games that leave exclusivity: achievements will not unlock by simply using your EGS save.
You will have to re-earn the achievements by playing a new save game.
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