The Pirate: Plague of the Dead – Quick Gold Farm

Merchant Alerts

First of all max your cabins for better boarding and capturing. Max cabins is important since boarding kills your crew more if it takes more to capture. More crew means quick capture. After that use taverns in towns to get someting new. If you see a merchant ship alert from a town, go get that ship with their escorts by boarding. Those merchant escorts are mostly tier 3 so easy to deal with. Merchants carry tons of goods of a kind in their hold if you manage to capture them.

Loot good is RNG. Those merchants lets you get some good money after capturing. You can repeat this process to farm some coin for your ship maintainences but this lootin is not very viable since you are not getting very much coins.

Free Roam

With your first captain you get extra loot with every wreckage you find.

By utilizing this perk with the game, get a fast ship and follow the shores randomly to find wreckages. You have chances of finding ship blueprints, survivors, floating goods and even treasure maps.

Treasure maps are great way to get some money because they can give sometimes fair amount of coin. You have chance to get huge amount of blueprint percent for a specific ship also. This way works better than merchant looting but takes longer in time and your chances of finding good things is RNG again.

Campaign Worth Completing?

Campaign is kinda hard after a few missions so you need at least 3 galleons with Wicked Deeds to complete them properly since your enemies will have 2nd rates and galleons. Wicked Deeds is strong as a 2nd rate with fewer cannons but her hull is tough. By capturing more galleons, you can nearly challenge every enemy with them. Since this game has no crew cost, you can bring ships as much as you want (without a captain a ship will reduce its speed by %60) without considering the costs.

As for plundering, campaign is not rewardin much until the end so side missions and grinding is important. Only last mission is rewarding great. James Eury missions is a way to get some coin but mostly it barely gets your ships repaired or resupplied.

Ships and Suggestions

This game focuses on galleons and frigates more than the previous “Caribbean Hunt” game since Caribbean Hunt focused on 1st rates.

  • Wicked Deeds is a very powerful ship that you will use until the end without any doubt. 
  • Do not underestimate the Whydah Gally. She is fast and strong enough to take down other galleons if upgraded with deadly cannons and fast reloading. Her smaller frame makes her to dodge cannons more and can sail through the wind reversed so dead angle is nothing for her 
  • Try capturing galleons if you. They are easy to capture with only boarding them and powerful enough with numbers against tier-5 ships. 
  • For later games, you can get a 1st rate for maximum firepower but her huge hull is her weakness. They are very slow in speed and rotation that other ships can outmaneuver her easily. In my opinion gettin only one 1st rate is enough for the fleet for later encounters. Swarms of galleons works way better. 
  • Wicked Deeds will be enough bottom to top. Her tough hull and high speed with good maneuver makes her the best option among the basic military ships.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3754 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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