An in-depth guide for how to obtain every achievement in the game in Singleplayer.
Mind the Gap!
Take a big shortcut in the level Mansion.
- After spawning, immediately go through the doors.
- Go up the stairs, then stop.
- Line yourself up with this gap.
- Extend both arms, walk forward and jump at the last second!
- Try this until you make it across! Don’t forget you can pull yourself up by moving the mouse down while grabbing a ledge.
Tip: Hold left *and* forward while slightly angled to get more distance!
Pigeon Simulator
Stand on the head of the statue in the intro.
- First off, this is in Mansion, not the lobby (if you’re playing multiplayer), so getting on the lobby statue will do nothing.
- After you reach this area, go up the stairs on either side.
- Move behind the statue and face toward it.
- Climb up onto the railing behind it.
- Extend your arms upward and jump toward the statue!
- Then pull yourself up.
Public Service
Place 5 pieces of debris in a dumpster.
- Take a look at your surroundings from the spawn point.
- Move to the right of the fallen train. Observe the glorious pink debris. Pink debris is the only kind that works for this achievement for some reason.
- Turn around and notice a dumpster blocking the way forward.
- Pull dumpster closer to debris for ease of use.
- Open the dumpster from the back end, as it is easiest to open from the back.
- Grab any 5 of the (pink) debris; the smaller the better, as it requires less effort to lift in, and takes up less space in the dumpster.
Convertible Ride
Ride 50m in a dumpster.
- Climb into the dumpster.
- Make sure the dumpster is empty. If not, pull the items out, as this makes it easier to slide around.
- Grab the sides, hold the jump button, and keep moving in multiple directions till the achievement pops up. That’s it, really!
Align a flipped bench with a wall.
- Ignore that first bench. Go through the door that the dumpster was blocking.
- On your right, you’ll see a bench that is flipped. This is the one you want!
- All you need to do is flip it right-side up.
- This should be enough to get the achievement, but if it isn’t, try to make it line up with the wall.
Stack all 4 boxes in the level Carry.
- Complete the first 3 “puzzles” as you normally would. Make sure not to skip any areas, as you need to be able to come back for the boxes.
- In the area with the train cart, bring the box to the top as usual. Instead of putting it on the button, however, bring it into the previous room.
- Drop it off in the room you just re-entered.
- Climb back up the ledge you dropped from and enter the previous (2nd) room.
- Pull the box off the button in that room and bring it into the beginning room.
- Pull the beginning room’s box off, and place the box you brought in onto that button.
- Take the now-unused box into the next room, and put it on the button.
- Go back into the beginning room, and throw the box off the edge of the map. It will respawn in the next room, since that is where it originated from.
- As you can no longer go through the door, commit suicide.
- Upon respawning in the final room, go back to the second room, grab the unused box and bring it to the next room.
- Arrange your boxes in order like so: left – 2nd room box; middle – 3rd room box; right – 4th room box. This is to help keep track of which is which.
- Place the middle box on top of the left, then climb onto the ledge.
- Lift the top box onto the ledge with you. Then, bring it into the previous room.
- Swap the places of the box in your hands with the one on the button. Then, take the now-unused box into the next room.
- Put one of the boxes in this room (elevator room) onto the button. This way, you can return from the final room later.
- Go back into the previous room and throw the cube off the edge along with yourself.
- Upon respawning in the final room again, go into the previous room once more. All the boxes should now be in the same room!
- Use the elevator to bring boxes up and stack them. This is much easier than attempting to stack them on ground level!
My treasure
Collect all gems into a pile in “Mountain”
- Proceed through the level as normal until you reach the first train cart.
- To your right, you will see a little jumping obstacle course. Go complete it.
- After completing it, enter the mysterious hole.
- Grab the lantern immediately to the left. It’s dark in here; you’ll need it!
- From here, my best advice to you would be to hug the right wall until you find a green glowing gem, then go back to the point you found the lantern at and make your pile of gems there, as a waypoint. This is the most surefire way to not get lost and to make certain that you have explored the entirety of these caves. Screenshots of this area won’t help as it is so confined and similar to each other, but I can tell you that there are 7 gems to collect. You should receive the achievement upon piling them up like so. Good luck!
Use the rope to go above the abyss in the level “Mountain”
- Proceed through the level as normal until you get on top of the first train cart.
- Grab the wall and slide the train cart to the right.
- Climb up the right side until you reach the top.
- The rope is at the bottom of the tree. Grab it with both hands, walk to the right of the tree, and jump off!
- Hold onto that rope! And while you do, as your Human swings forward, press your “move forward” button, and as it swings backward, press your “move backward” button. This will help you gain enough momentum to swing across the whole abyss!
Wrong direction
Use the window on your left instead of smashing the wall in “Demolition”
I assume that everyone can guess how to do this, but here are a couple of hints:
- Basket swings a lot if you alternate between left and right on lever
- Mattresses are good to jump on
Smooth moves
Parkour fluidly from the alley to the blacksmith in “Castle” without touching the ground.
Note: Now, I know that this sounds like you have to never touch the ground, but that is not entirely true. The only time you cannot touch the ground is when you grab the last lantern. However, due to the fact that you cannot touch the “floor” once you grab the final lantern, this means that if you accidentally hit a wall or the bridge while swinging, it might count as floor, which is what makes this achievement so dang finnicky. Also, it seems that the achievement is only rewarded if you do the entirety of the obstacle (starting from first lantern) in under a minute, or something around that. You have been warned!
- If you haven’t already, bring the cart through and put it in front of the house.
- Use the cart to get onto the roof.
- Proceed through the swinging/platforming until you are on the last platform, in front of the final lantern.
- Carefully jump on, and try to prevent yourself from hitting the bridge. This lantern is attached to a rotating swivel, so swing yourself around to get ’round the corner. Your goal is to land (or grab onto) the roof on the other side (the roof does not count as “floor”). Then, climb up the bridge and make your way to the blacksmith (the place with the anvil). Once you are near the blacksmith, you should receive the achievement. Good luck!
For whom the bell tolls
Ring the castle bell in “Castle”
- Proceed through the level until you finish the swinging lantern parkour.
- Grab the cart, and drag it over to the bridge that was near the last lantern.
- Climb onto the left guardrail on the bridge.
- From there, get on the cart, and then onto the roof.
- Extend your arms and leap to the adjacent roof, then pull yourself up.
- Extend arms again and jump toward the castle wall, then climb up.
- From here, make your way to the right and climb up the castle wall until you reach the catapult.
- Huzzah, you have obtained the catapult! Now proceed to fire rocks at the bell. If the rock hits the roof or sails over it, move the catapult back; if the rock falls short of the bell, move the catapult forward accordingly.
- This catapult is too close.
- This catapult is too far.
- This catapult is juuuust right!
Note: You will not get the achievement by slamming into the bell with your body or ringing it with your hands. In fact, the bell does not even have to ring – it just has to be tapped by a rock. Fun fact – Since the only way to get a rock up there is via catapult, it will usually ring, but if you get it just right, it won’t make a sound!
Zipline from the church tower in “Castle”
- Proceed through the level as normal until you reach the first cart.
- Take the stairs on the left.
- Climb onto the guardrail, and look toward the wall.
- Extend your arms upward, and do the best jump you can to climb on top of the roof. May take a few tries.
- Walk forward to the end of the roof. The tower coming out of this roof has ledges you can grab.
- Reach the top of the tower by completing the “parkour”.
- Fall down the hole.
- Hook the cane onto the roof.
- Carefully exit the broken window, and descend to the ledge close to it. While hugging the wall, turn the corner on the right and redo the last section of the parkour to reach the roof again.
- Cautiously pull the cane all the way out with both hands. If it falls back in, repeat from step “g”.
- Lay the cane down with the “stem” farthest from the zipline, like so.
- Regrab the cane from stem. This angle will reduce the chance of the cane slipping off of the zipline.
- Hook the zipline juuuust right..
- Pray it all works out, and walk off the edge! Partway down, you should receive the achievement. Good luck!
Light up the lighthouse in “Water”
- Proceed through the level until you reach the dam at the top.
- Make your way over to the orange raft.
- Walk up this specific slope until you reach the top of this hill.
- Carefully begin to slide down the hill. Make sure to not go off either side! Your goal is to land near the lighthouse.
- Success! You have made it to the lighthouse.
- Enter the lighthouse and slowly make your way up its massive staircase.
- Finally reach the top of the lighthouse, flip the lever, and voila! Lights on!
Electricity 101
Short-circuit the wires in “Power Plant”
- Either use the wall-charger in the beginning of the level, or find a battery.
- Unplug one of the wires from the charger/battery.
- Grab the other end of the wire that is still plugged in.
- Plug it i- OH GOD!!
Steal the battery from the statue in “Power Plant”
- Proceed through the level until you reach the first conveyor.
- Make your way to the crate as you normally would.
- Place the crate close to the wall, about 1/4 of it over the edge, but still balanced. Then climb onto the crate.
- Extend your warms outward, and leap toward the wall on the left.
- Pull yourself up, and climb up the wall in front of you as well.
- From there, make your way onto this platform.
- Extend both arms upwards, jump at the wire, and swing yourself to the battery the statue is holding. Release when you get close, and make sure to grab the battery on the way down!
- Success!
Will it fry?
Feed an appliance with power from 3 batteries in “Power Plant”
- Basically, you just need to gather 3 of the batteries and 2 pairs of wires from the level in one location, and then sort the wires as shown in either of the screenshots. I think you guys can figure out how to gather them, so just match the wires with one of the screenshots. Good luck!
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